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Bush Warns of Threats to Freedom, Economic Growth

bush.jpgFormer President George W. Bush, outlining plans for a new public policy institute, on Thursday said America must fight the temptation to allow the federal government to take control of the private sector, declaring that too much government intervention will squelch economic recovery and expansion.

With the Obama administration establishing far-reaching controls in the auto, real estate and financial sectors, Mr. Bush said that “the role of government is not to create wealth, but to create the conditions that allow entrepreneurs and innovators to thrive.”

“As the world recovers, we will face a temptation to replace the risk-and-reward model of the private sector with the blunt instruments of government spending and control. History shows that the greater threat to prosperity is not too little government involvement, but too much,” said Mr. Bush, who has remained largely out of the limelight since leaving office and rarely criticizes his successor.

Delivering a speech on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, future home to the George W. Bush Presidential Center, the former president sought to explain his decision to have the federal government intervene at the beginning of the economic downturn last fall.

“I believe in the power of the free enterprise system, which made the decision I faced last fall one of the most difficult of my presidency. I went against my free market instincts and approved a temporary government intervention to unfreeze credit and prevent a global financial catastrophe,” he said.

(Source: Washington Times)

12 Responses

  1. 1.===> No we don’t! He’s the reason BHO is office. if we would have had responsible president and decent opponent back in ’08 none of this would have

  2. 3,

    There was little to no connection. Derech Ha’teva, BHO won the election for 2 main reasons. One was that thanks to the liberal media, the republicans nominated Democrat Lite aka John McCain as their nominee. The other reason was because the media put their pens away ans refused to report on anything negative — albeit MAJORLY TRUE – about this guy. On most years someone belonging to a smurch of hate like he did wouldn’t get past a primary. The media had many idiots thinking that BHO could do no wrong and perhaps he was almost like the yoizil himself. The mainstream media died in 2008 – RIP.

    This reminds me, I wonder how that ignorant Peggy Joseph is doing. She was the one who was so happy about BHO winning that she said proudly, “I never thought this day would ever happen. I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage. You know. If I help him, he’s gonna help me.”
    I wonder if she is happy with her change? Someone should find out if Obama ended up paying her mortgage or her gas, or if he was even the gas station attendant!?

  3. GWB was too much much of a nice guy and his naivete in the intentions and abilities of his enemies brought us to where we are today.

    For allof his efforts to “reach across the aisle” he recieved nothing but resounding frasks in punim.

    A rat needs to be crushed, not appeased.

    Kol haMerachem etc…. when will we finally learn this lesson.

  4. if people don’t speak up and do something the united states of america will soon be a socialist country owned by bho

  5. I say we should organize a tea party in the middle of Boro Park. That would give Jay Jacobs, Kenneth Feinberg, Duvid Axelrod, Ezekiel Emanuel and his brother Rahm Emanuel sleepless nights!!!

  6. As every day goes by the country will continue to miss GWB. He was a real class act and a real patriot who loved every american and was ready to do anything, popular or not, to protect america. In the history books he will go down as a great president.

  7. Number 11 look into the stimlus bill and you will find part of obama health care like having all your health records on line. Please tell me why is that part of the stimulus bill and not a health bill? It is because obama and his cronies
    like immauel are not honest and are hiding things.
    You don’t need a 2000 page health bill. Fifty pages would have been enough. but you need the complication so nobody can read it and understand it.obama will go down in history as the worst president ever beating mr peanut man

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