Top Republican Says White House Hiding Info On Fort Hood

hasan4.jpgThe ranking Republican on the House intelligence committee on Tuesday night accused the White House of withholding information on the Fort Hood attack.

Rep. Pete Hoekstra (Mich.) said administration officials delayed briefing members of Congress about the alleged gunman, raising “red flags” about what the White House was hiding.

“When they withhold information, you always start asking questions,” Hoekstra told Fox News. “That’s what raises red flags. What do they know that they don’t want us to know?”

Hoekstra linked President Barack Obama’s handling of Fort Hood to a chain of other GOP criticisms of the president, including the administration’s treatment of detainees and an investigation into possible CIA abuse.

“It is a political correctness that is making it unable for us to identify the real threat of homegrown terrorism,” he alleged.

Hoekstra warned that “we have similar Hasans” in the country. The Michigan Republican has called for his committee to investigate the incident. Chairman Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas) has so far declined, preferring to wait for the conclusion of the joint FBI-Army investigation.

(Source: The Hill)

9 Responses

  1. #1 I dont know what you meant to say by your comment but it sounds disgusting and repugnant to Torah values. Murdering civilians for political ends is antithetical to Torah and sheva mitvzos. Please be more careful about your choice of words. No matter the nobility of your cause or the strength of your emotions the end never justifies the means!

  2. For you incompetent people, #1 is saying that the democrats don’t condone the terrorists or do anything to stop them and consider them normal people like you and I.

    Perfect line.

  3. #1 was trying to say that Democrats, specifically Obama, CONSIDER terrorists to be good people. He was not stating his personal opinion that terrorists are good people IF the democrats are in power.

  4. There was no terror attack on U.S soil since 9/11. Bush tried successfully to keep us safe. Obama couldnt even in his first year. So are all you morons who voted for him happy with your liberal, politically correct change?

  5. Way to go #8!! Let’s get Bush back and Obama OUT.
    #7 – re-read your post (psot?) as well, before criticizing others.
    #’s 4, 5, and 6 – I’m glad some people realized what #1 was trying to say.

  6. Simply put: Members of the
    democratic party are generally
    not as much for equal rights
    as they are for giving rights
    equally. The difference is
    that in the latter case, even
    those not deserving receive.
    Their platform says, the more
    “rights” the better regardless
    of how responsible the one
    receiving them are and regardless
    Of how many other’s rights are
    infringed upon or taken away

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