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[CONDITION CORRECTED] – Urgent Public Safety Message From Lakewood Hatzolah

SOL.gifFRIDAY 7:00AM EST: (SITUATION HAS BEEN CORRECTED) Lakewood Hatzolah is currently experiencing technical problems with their emergency lines. If you call Lakewood Hatzolah and can’t get through, please call Lakewood PD by dialing 911 or 732-363-0200 and request Hatzolah.

As soon as this issue is resolved, YWN will update this post.

UPDATE 11:50AM EST: Lakewood Hatzolah has requested that YWN advise the residents of Lakewood that Boruch Hashem ONE of their emergency lines has been restored. Technicians are working diligently to have all their lines restored as soon as possible. If someone calls Hatzolah and hears a busy-signal, please hang up and call the Lakewood Police Department and request Hatzolah.

Additionally, unless you have an emergency – DO NOT CALL THE HATZOLAH EMERGENCY NUMBER JUST TO “TEST IT OUT”. The dispatchers have received many calls from residents “just checking” to see if everything is back in order. That one second that a person calls to test the line, can prevent someone with a true emergency from getting a Hatzolah response!

UPDATE 2:50PM EST: Lakewood Hatzolah would like to inform residents that Boruch Hashem the situation has been corrected and all emergency lines are fully in operation. They would like to thank all those which worked tirelessly to rectify the situation.

Good Shabbos.

(YWN Lakewood Desk)

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