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Rubashkin Jurors Are Still Out

ru.jpgThe Des Moines Register reports:

Jurors continued to weigh the financial fraud case against Sholom Rubashkin on Tuesday but did not reach a verdict for the former eastern Iowa slaughterhouse executive.

The five-man, seven-woman pool spent the day behind closed doors at the federal courthouse in downtown Sioux Falls. The evidence before them includes testimony from 64 prosecution and defense witnesses and reams of financial records from the now-defunct Agriprocessors Inc. in Postville.

They resume deliberations Thursday after today’s Veterans Day holiday.

Deliberations started on Monday afternoon. U.S. District Chief Judge Linda Reade dismissed three alternate jurors who sat through the nearly month-long trial, but said she might call one or more back if circumstances force out other jurors.

The original panel the trial lawyers chose had 16 jurors – 12 regulars and four alternates. One juror was dismissed earlier in the trial after she reportedly contracted H1N1 flu.

(Source: The Des Moines Register)

2 Responses

  1. May the Rachamon shower him with his due rachmanus! Reb Shalom Mortcha, as he is affectionately known to me since childhood, is a tzaddik ben tzaddik!
    He’s being lynched because of his refusal to accept ‘hecsher tzedek’ (lower case intentional) the conservative movements hechsher, to issue their FOR NO CHARGE hechsher, just to carry their name on his product! His adamant refusal brought them to seethe and they then called in PETA and the rest is history!

  2. #2 He most definitely is getting the harshest treatment! He was jailed all throughout the pretrial process and wasn’t allowed to post bond for fear of fleeing!? That’s ludicrous! He could have been fitted with an electronic band, as is customary with high riskers! Give me a break! They’re after his head with much more a vengence than almost anybody else! This is a lynching of the fullest order! (Even Madoff was committed to house arrest at first!) Some may call it antisemitism, some a lynching! They were obcessively cruel and harsh with him! If he broke laws, then he is due his day in court! They caused him to lose his business and he is presumed guilty – CERTAINLY IN YOUR EYES – as well as in the eyes of many even before having his day in court! This country was built on the premise of one presumed innocent before a verdict or decision by justice is rendered! Not in this case! He’s a destroyed man for crimes miniscule in the scope of business practices of today!
    #1 do you withhold taxes from your domestic help? Is she here legally? You know what I mean! He may have done wrong, so have many, but he is not presumed innocent any longer – certainly not in the court of public opinion! That’s because he was lynched!

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