Back By Popular Demand! Turning Tears Into Triumph a Video with Mrs. Gayle Sassoon

Due to many requests “Turning Tears into Triumph,” an amazing video presentation will be shown, in several locations in the next week.

Leading Gedolim will give powerful Divrei Chizuk. Mrs. Gayle Sassoon will speak as well, along with many Sassoon family and friends. Join us, and witness their unprecedented response  to the tragedy of epic proportions. Through their extraordinary faith, they have risen from the depths, to infinite heights, and they will share their growth with us, so we too can strive higher.

It is Mrs. Gayle Sassoon’s mission to build a center of Sasson v’Simcha, joy and happiness, on the site of the tragedy. This vision is called “The Sassoon 7 Project.” All donations made at the video presentation, will benefit this project, and help that vision become a reality.

 Click Here for More Information on Showings


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