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House Passes Health Care Reform Bill

ohc.jpgThe House of Representatives on Saturday night passed a sweeping health care bill by a vote of 220-215.

Earlier, the House passed an amendment to pending health care legislation that prohibits federal funds for abortion services in the public option and in the insurance “exchange” the bill would create.

The vote passed 240-194.

A second amendment considered by the House, introduced by Minority Leader John Boehner, which would have substituted several sections of the health care bill dealing with insurance, did not pass. Legislators voted against the amendment 258-176.

The first amendment, introduced by anti-abortion Democrats, bans federal funds for abortion services in the public option and in the insurance “exchange” the bill would create. Its consideration was considered a big win for them and for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which used its power — especially with conservative Democrats in swing congressional districts — to help force other Democratic leaders to permit a vote that most of them oppose.

The GOP accounted for 174 of the votes in favor of the amendment, with 1 Republican voting “present.”

On the Democrat’s side, 64 voted for the measure, and 194 voted against.

Earlier Saturday, President Obama said members of the House of Representatives face the chance of a lifetime as they consider the legislation.

After a meeting with the House Democratic leadership, the president said he told lawmakers that “opportunities like this come around maybe once in a generation.”

“This is their moment, this is our moment, to live up to the trust that the American people have placed in us,” Obama told reporters in the White House rose garden. “Even when it’s hard, especially when it’s hard, this is our moment to deliver.”

Among other things, the bill would subsidize insurance for poorer Americans, establish a new government-run public option and create health insurance exchanges to make it easier for small groups and individuals to purchase coverage. It would also cap annual out-of-pocket expenses and prevent insurance companies from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Pelosi’s office has said the bill would cut the federal deficit by roughly $30 billion over the next decade. The measure is financed through a combination of a tax surcharge on wealthy Americans and spending constraints in Medicare and Medicaid.

(Source: CNN)

83 Responses

  1. Thank god the bill is now further along towards final passage. We all davened extra hard today that the House would pass the bill. There are so many poor yidden who desparately need the help this bill will provide.

  2. America lost its freedom as this is the way for the Socialist to take everything away from us under the guise of health.

    What has the govt EVER run well? The post office? Social Security which is just about bankrupt? Medicare which is bakrupt?

    We are now not any better than any socialist country in the EU. For this we fought the Brits?!!??!

  3. Thank you, Dems!

    Thank you for passing this monstrosity and for ensuring Republican and Independent SWEEPS in 2010 and 2012!

    You just guaranteed your one “Jimmy Carter” term in office!

  4. What a fun night and ridiculous show of pomposity put on by the Libs.

    They think they achieved something, but there’s NO WAY this will ever survive the Senate, certainly not as written. And Senator, far more so than Congress people, are REALLY self-serving and determined to keep their seats. So look for the better and more hilarious dog and pony show yet to unfold.

    On the other hand, I just heard Michael Steele talking to Geraldo on FOX News and he summed it up best. He spoke about how happy he was tonight because the Dems just put on record all the reasons EVERY voter who actually loves this country should vote these IDIOTS out of office next time around.

    And he’s right.

    The Dems are now SEALING Republican and Independent victories in just under a year from today.

  5. God saves us all, if this becomes the law of the land we will regretted for ever. I am happy that the party line won over common sense. But we are well in the way of becoming a banana republic. Remember this vote when you have to pay the 15,000 insurance fee or go to jail for the inability to pay.

  6. Shoved down the throats of Americans.

    Where was the PROMISED transparancy?

    Where was the PROMISED bipartisanship?

    Uh huh…just as I thought – no change – politics as usual – blowhards in charge without spines.

  7. What a sad day for this poor bankrupt country. We can’t afford this. We are in debt to China, but the Democrats just can’t stop spending like it grows on tress. At least in 2010 we can vote them out office. And in 2012 we can make Obama a one term President – I wonder how long it will take to recover from the Damage Obama and Pelosi and Reid have done to the country.

  8. Regardless of the eventual final outcome, to be able to pass this house bill with a public option, after it was left for dead is stunning. Although they have a big majority, the Speaker and the Leadership had to contend with near-unanimous GOP opposition, an angry and chaotic summer of Town Halls, and a very diverse caucus. To pull this off is impressive.

  9. Stupid, stupid Americans who are sitting back like Pelosi and thinking they won something- you won squat, It has to go thru the Senate..and that’s not easy- in fact, it might not even pass that if any Democrat wants to keep their job next term. They are a bunch brainwashed idiots..and folks, you were too, for voting them in.

  10. So, do the DemocRATS and Obozo think this is a victory? they had one Republican vote for this attrosity and they won by 5 votes!! So, winning by 5 votes, they’re going to redo our healthcare system to be a government-controlled healthcare system and mandate that we either pay up or be fined? is this still America? this isn’t final yet. We need to stand up and scream that We the People will not accept this being forced down our throats. We the People pay their salaries and taxes and “most Americans’ do NOT want this! this is a farce and a fraud and we need to make these ‘representatives (???) accountable to We the People – their bosses. this is beyond ENOUGH!! We can’t let them do this TO us! they have other alternatives to ‘repair’ the system;’ not tear it down and tax us to death to rebuild it in the form of yet another failed Government plan.

  11. Those who believe socialized medicine is the answer have obviously never lived in a Socialist country. If something sounds too good to be true, guess what? It is!

    I pray to God, literally, that the Senate will finally hear the voice of the people: STOP SPENDING MONEY WE DON’T HAVE!!!!!!!!!

    Our children will pay for these outrageous mistakes.

    Just like the ‘stimulus package’ didn’t work, THIS WON”T EITHER!

  12. Free healthcare for all illegals. California is one happy state tonight….well, except for the Pro Choicers that lost their choice….

  13. Goodbye dumbocractic party — from formerly one of your own. Wake up America, wake up. Let the 2nd American Revolution begin. We will destroy Obama, San Fran Nan, and all of the communist infiltrators of our once great nation. Tonight marks the beginning of the end of all of those in Congress who have betrayed us — Stephen Lynch if you voted for this bill you are GONE BABY GONE! May you and the rest of your limp wristed sisters rot in hell! Mark my word, after the 2010 election, no dumbocrat (a/k/a the great perverters of freedom) will be left standing.

  14. May they all be jumping on a sinking ship – this vote means nothing – remember how excited and euphoric they were in January. This too shall pass. It will go nowhere in the Senate, it will go nowhere constitutionally.

    God Help Us.

  15. wait a minute people. The republican plan didn’t cover pre-existing conditions, why not? personally I would’ve liked it if they just made the laws and not to tax anyone, but the democrat option makes more sense in regard to pre-existing conditions. I have a pre-existing condition that no health insurance wants to cover (outside employee insurance) why should i lose out

  16. #14:
    I think you’re wrong that most Americans don’t want this. Most Americans refuse to think for themselves and believe whatever nonsense the government chooses to tell them.

  17. If this gets approved it will be wonderful for most of the frum community. Insurance companies won’t be able to discriminate against families that tend to have large children, or at the least there will be options for such families to get insurance. We won’t have to put up with people schnorring money to pay for health care expenses.
    And they included an abortion ban (important, since insurance companies love abortions since they are a lot cheaper than childbirth).

    Of course, it will probably undermine the economy, result in higher taxes and costs for everyone — but that isn’t so bad since the likely result is that a liberal health care ban will get enacted and that most of it will stay in place after the Republicans return to power in 2012, thanks to the macroeconomic effects of how the current plan hurts businesses and discourages hiring workers.

  18. Mbochur-
    Is your preexisting condition a lack of common sense? How can you support the laws but don’t want the higher taxes? How do expect the healthcare to be paid for?
    You mention that insurance companies discriminate against larger families. Are you aware that this bill gives extra incintives for those who have only one child, and penalizes your benifits for every additional child?

  19. This is what everybody is thinking. That this new law will expand medicare and medicaid for the poor. That everybody will have free insurance paid by our wealthy tax- payers. You and most of this country just fell into the biggest Bait and Switch ever.
    They said they were going to do this, but what they did was pass a bill saying everybody has to buy insurance. Even our Gov. is going to start selling Health insurance. But the reason people don’t have insurance is because they can’t afford it. “Oh, but the gov’s insurance will be cheap” -Acc. to the Congressional budget office the gov’s insurance premium will be more expensive than private insurance.
    N. Pelosi and the libs just made Bernie Madoff look like a kid who did a little shoplifting!

  20. Thank you so much Speaker Pelosi!!

    Thank you for giving us a full throttle nanny state.

    Thank you for sending us more into debt

    I so look forward to the Government telling us what will and will not be covered. Thankyou, because I know you are so kind and compassionate, you will do what is best for me and mine.

    For all you people who think Bush and Cheney are the devil, think of this, one year, it will be those people who will be in charge of this monstrocity. So if you think your precious leaders now would never be so callous as to refuse care to certain groups of people, one day, in the not so distant future, the people holing the power will not be to your liking and you will be on the recieving end of them making healthcare decisions.

    Think about it.

  21. Way to go Democrats!!!!!

    Now I want to see the teabaggers when they finally figure out that those Republicans have been lying to them all along! I mean do they really think there won’t be a pyaday for their lies? Really? LOL Lets hope we are all able to be around when reality knocks on their doors!

  22. This bill will do nothing but divide the nation. Congratulations to Obama for leading the charge. Just wait until the young people have to start paying the bill for this health care. They will eventually and finally realize that paying for the lazy and irresponsible isn’t much fun. Money that should go for you and your family will go to the govt so they can redistribute it as they see fit.

  23. Nancy’s day will be in January 2011 when she has to turn the gavel over when the ruling elite are thrown out of the “Peoples House” by the results of the 2010 election.

    If the economy doesn’t start to turn around soon it will be a sorry time for those who went against the people they are supposed to represent.

    Remember my good fellow citizens, in a time not too distant, when our great country is lowered to third world status because we can’t borrow anymore money, let’s see how all of you who supported free health care feel about rejoicing this evening. Remember – “There is no such thing as a free lunch”. We are going to have to pay for this – trillions of dollars worth. And where will be the people who handed this off to us, well Nancy will be retired spending the millions she’s made while “representing” the people. However remember also, the same ruling elite who forced this socialized medicine upon us, they will still enjoy their perks – including the best health plan our tax dollars can provide.

    There is one more chance that health care doesn’t become law. Harry Reid may not be able to deliver as our Senate may see the folly of this plan.

    Oh my, will our President Obama be fit to live with if it doesn’t pass the Senate. He has a way of acting like a child when he doesn’t get his way.

  24. Nancy Pelosi clapped her hands as she left the House floor late Saturday night.

    “That was easy,” the Speaker said with a smile.

    It wasn’t. She had just delivered a promise decades of her predecessors failed to bring home, harnessing her uncommon focus, vote-counting acumen and consensus-building skills to bring tens of millions of Americans a giant leap closer to having health insurance coverage with a 220-215 roll call.


  25. you fools – you keep drinking the obama koolaid. when you finally sober up and realize what’s been in it, it’s gonna hurt.

  26. akuperma, you are revealing again your pro-Obama leanings. This will be terrible for frum families especially for their elderly Rosh Yeshivos.

    Which says a whole lot of your understanding of the frum population….

  27. The tragedy of what Fuhrer-ette Pelosi did in getting the House bill passed is that the very people whom the bill will directly affect (every American citizen/taxpayer) was ignored as to what WE wanted.

    In order to pass the bill she made deals, extorted, bribed, cajoled, forced the legislators to pass the worst legislation in history. She talked to everyone involved with the bill EXCEPT the American taxpayer who will have to pay for government controlled health care: a socialist/fascist program that we don’t want.

    Gone will be our choice of doctors, medical procedures and our basic freedom.

    The irony is that Fuhrer-ette Pelosi and her demigods won’t have to deal with what they’ve forced on the American taxpayer. They will luxuriate in their Rolls Royce plans, paid for by us.

    This is garbage by a bottom feeding socialite from the Left Coast who should be riding a broom instead of a taxpayer paid airplane.

  28. Last night on the floor of the U S House of Representatives the democrats succeded in doing what no foreign power has ever been able to do; they have destroyed America as we know it.

    Kruschev was right “we shall destroy you from within”

    Knuckle under to Pelosi/Obama care or go to prison? I CHOOSE prison!!!! I refuse to be enslaved by these Marxist swine!!

    DISOBEY DISOBEY DISOBEY DISOBEY DISOBEY DISOBEY DISOBEY DISOBEY DISOBEY DISOBEY DISOBEY DISOBEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  30. No insurance companies can exist under this law. No business can be restricted in what it can charge and be forced to have no limits on what its customers can take. You have no idea how a business is run or else you would never support this stupidy. My insurance company will drop me and I will be on the public option, so there goes my choice. This is about punishing those who have today and worked hard for it for those who don’t.

  31. We pay so much taxes annually and don’t have any medical coverage, finally my husband and me will have coverage, I wonder what plans and premiums will be available for us..???

  32. I was injured in canada,the Dr.asked me for $600 in the ER can u believe this?,after I came home I needed a receipt or any proof that I should be able to get reimbursed from my american insurance company cuz they cover me in CA too,I even was able to speak on the phone with that Dr. and she lied and said I never took cash from you,soo.. Welcome to the new U.S.A., doctors are gonna be hungry for cash and they will do the same here,and we will have sheester doctors like UK and CA.

  33. Its mind boggling how many idiots are buying this picture. You’re not saving a dime. You will pay dearly for this. You pack of idiots are still believing in this OBAMA CHANGE business. Please daven a little more ehrlich when it comes to ATOH CHOINEN LEUHDUM DAAS. But before that you have to pass HANOISEYN LASECHVI BINUH. You guys have your heads in the sand if you’re thinking you’re getting a freebie. Thinl of who is going to pay for this? You will see more job loses, because you’re employer can’t afford to hire and keep so many employees and pay insurance, you will pay a user tax or fee. Everything you buy will go up in cost to pay for all this. What are you really thinking??? Kiss the good old USA goodby under this new behaima. And all you retards voted for him.

  34. For all of u sporting this bill cause you will get more.
    1)If you r unemployed well where’s ur fealing for those working very hard and will need to pay more taxes. And even bussiness owners will there tax rate also go up to pay this bill and he won’t be able to rase an emplyee cause the taxes he’ll have to pay for u and in general market the prices will go up and
    2) If you r working and making to much to affored a health insurace policy don’t even think that u urself will not pay more in taxes in order to pay for ur own health insurance. Come on peolpe wake up don’t be so stupid that guy is taking us on a big ride and if we don’t relize it now u will find urself very very deep.

  35. No need to get excited! If it passed the house with a slim minority & many democrats voting against it, then it has no chance of getting through the senate.
    But what’s really disgusting is how they make the insurance industry practice of pre-existing conditions & history sound like mean ideas. Well, that’s what insurance is all about, soon they will force them to sell Life Insurance to people on their deathbeds. It’s rediculous, and would mean the end of health insurance, as all people will wait till they are sick before signing up.
    So we will all end up with Medicare… But wait the doctors won’t be earning enough to justify 10 years of school & residency, so the next generation will all be lawyers, but don’t worry, we can get some migrant doctors from Mexico…..

  36. someone sent me this:

    Boruch Hashem!

    If you get your hashkofos from Torah, rather than Limbaugh, you would know that it is 100% clear that Torah Jews should support an initiative that sees to it that every US citizen (Jew and non-Jew) has access to decent health care.

    It is the most important kiyum of the mitzvah of chessed.

    Go ahead, call it socialism.
    I call it Chessed.

  37. The Peloso bill provides a number of new regulations that will be very important to the yiddeshe community. All restaruants will have to start posting the nutritional value of food on the menus. Maybe some of the kosher places will simply not be willing to disclose that one portion of brisket and kishka has enough calories , cholesterol and fat to violate humans rights laws governing physicial abuse. It will punish yiddeshe schools and mosdos who fail to provide health care insurance to all their employees, etc. In short, it will encourage all of the key policies of those who are concerned with tikun olam. Hopefully, the next bill will be the global warming legislation called cap and trade.

  38. There is no VAT tax anywhere in this legislation. Why are you claiming there is?

    Social Security is not bankrupt. Far from it, it has assets in excess of 1.4 trillion dollars. At some point in the relatively near future (next decade or so) there will be an adjustment as there was in 1983, but even without that, the fund is solvent through 2040 (Social Security Trustees) or 2050 (Congressional Budget Office estimate).

    The Post Office? You mean the Post Office which hasn’t used any taxpayer funds since the early 1980s, and is the only flat rate delivery service that covers the entire United States? There are parts of the United States only available by brush plane that can still send and receive mail for the same price you’d pay to drop it in the mail in New York.

    Oh, one last thing. You wanted to know “why we fought the Brits”? Perhaps you should note that the elected officials of the American citizens passed this. You know, that representation thing. Also, if you think that the 18th century British Empire was socialist, you had best read up on history.

  39. To those who claim we are now a “socialist” country, you haven’t the foggiest idea what socialism is. 90% of us will continue to have private health insurance, and our medical services providers (doctors, hospitals, etc) are also private. For those 2 reasons alone, this is not, by definition, socialism.

    For those of you who claim to be “against” the healthcare reform bill claiming it is socialism, are you also against Medicaid? Are you also against Medicare? Should we also abolish Social Security? Those 3 programs are FAR more rooted in socialism than the healthcare reform bill. Why have you not been fighting to get rid of these awful programs? Where were your protests for the last 10…20…30… 40 years to ablish these programs?

    This outrage around “socialism” is so unbelievably phony it is beyond comprehension. Cries of socialism from radio and tv hosts with no education and no idea as to the definition of the word are just being repeated by the mindless, ignorant fools who worship them.

    There are plenty of reasons to be against this plan. I AM against this plan… but for real reasons… not made up ones.

  40. All that think this is good, the countries that do have socialized medicine reult in more deaths because of the beauracracy in the approval for MRI’s and Catscans. You end up dying because the tumors are realized too late. Why do you think the wealthy come here for exams.

    Now you have a extra level of red tape on what will and will not be allowed.

    This country was founded on simple priniples of freedom. The freedom to choose your plan, the choice of picking your own doctor, the right to buy your own plan, the right to open your own small business and pick what you want to provide your employees with. Not anymore. I don’t know if I live in a America or Communism or a Kibbuts. If a company doesn’t comply then they will face a 250,000 fine, 5 year imprisonment and a felony. Wow, sounds like communism.

    If anyone besides the citizen should decide this then the next level should be individual states and not the federal government, New York already has a restriction on denying medical coverage for preexisting condition.

    No public option and no tort reform for physician protection.

    We will put this country in such debt that will burden future generations.

    A sad day in American history.

  41. New shnor campaign will be in all the shuls. Help a family that needs to buy health insurance. Its gonna be a must. And everybody that can’t afford it will go shnore

  42. Why is it that we hear not a peep out of you right-wingers when the government spends trillions of dollars on Iraq (they just approved another 680 billion dollar defense appropriations bill last week), and yet you get all up in arms when they spend 100 billion a year on health care?

    It amazes me how you can drive on publicly finance roads, take publicly subsidized trains, eat publicly subsidized food, frequent public libraries and parks, many of you whether you are willing to admit it or not, collect publicly subsidized welfare in the way of Earned Income Credits, Food Stamps, Medicaid etc, and now you are worried about “socialism”? please give me a break and find another double standard to harp on. you people have no shame.

  43. A triumphant Speaker Nancy Pelosi likened the legislation to the passage of Social Security in 1935 and Medicare 30 years later.

    Uh, excuse me Ms Stretch Pelosi but arent those two programs just about BANKRUPT?!?!!?!!

  44. I think this is one of the things that have happen to create the mood and setting for the coming of moshiach.
    Its right out of the navi of what the world will be like at the times of moshiach.
    Learn a lot of torah and hang on tight. It may be a rough ride, but if your confident on where were going then its not as stressful.
    Hatzlacha and emunah to all.

  45. This plan will only raise the cost of Insurance and lower the benefits that the poor and the afluent receive furthermore ot will raise Taxes and give the Goverment more control of our private lives

  46. I think its good that one country in the world should have capatilist medicine, as this gives doctors and pharmaceutical companies incentives to advance. I’m just happy I don’t live there but in Israel where the kuppot cholim are decent, have some incentive bec they compete with each other (unlike in the UK), gives more incentive to people to check any health problem they might have, and in the case of anything serious there is cheap private insurance (i pay $30/month)that covers serious cases to go anywhere in the world and choose any doctor. although VAT and other taxes are higher I believe the toll of high insurance would be felt much more (I buy many of my electricals from Us, so I win both ways).

  47. I have always said they do not give a hoot about what the American people want they should all be kicked out of office and anyone who vote democrat again is a traitor to America.

  48. Let we the people make this a shallow victory. In less than 12 months we have the power to vote every undesirable incumbent out of office. Organize independent town halls now and encourage and support honest candidates to oppose those who are not in tune with our values. Political Armageddon in Nov. 2010 for the Washington establishment. Get involved now and vote 2010.

  49. Who would’ve ever believed that the government of the United States of America despised it’s people and country so much to pass such a detrimental policy. It’s absolutely pathetic. They aren’t listening, which is even more frustrating. The government is not concerned about the people, only about themselves. Ironic that this type of government is exactly what our brave men and women in the armed forces have always fought against. Now it’s here, and we’re losing more and more freedom every day. We need the military on our side, and the people in our government should be tried for treason.

  50. This is not about Obama, he will survive without this bill, but our country may not — vote it down or your children and grandchildren will be paying it forever, economy crushed, more people losing jobs, and everyone loses freedom…

  51. I opted not to have insurance as I only use doctors and practitioners who don’t take insurance, namely holistic ones. I don’t want to have to take government forced insurance that will cost me more than my health care costs now.It’s time to pack our bags and say good bye to the USA

  52. This is the beginning of our downfall and the House led the way. The elderly will experience drastic cutback in Medicare while ILLEGALS will profit .
    What is wrong with us ?

  53. Looks like Mickey Mouse over’s Obama’s head in the above picture. He’s living in Disneyland, where everyone lives happily ever after…

  54. Krunch,

    it’s possible to regulate companies w/o taxing people.
    take the credit card companies for example.
    Make a “bill of rights”

  55. Maybe people that I know will not have to choose between taking their kid to the doctor and paying for food for the week. But hey, that’s not important. Keep on ranting.

  56. Mandy,

    Anyone choosing between bread on the table and doctor’s visit is already eligible for Medicaid. Keep on playacting this really poignant role :).

  57. Anonymous (#74): When I lived in the US I was not eligible for Medicaid. And I was “uninsurable.” The only insurance I could get was the insurance offered by the state government. Had I taken that insurance, with the highest deductible, my premium still would have been too high. After paying my rent, if I had paid that premium I would have been left with less than $200 for the month to pay for food, electricity, and any other necessities of life.

  58. Hey anonymous 74. My husband makes a good salary and we are certainly not medicaid eligible. My 5 year old needed a certain diagnostic test this past spring to see if there was a problem. My insurance, Aetna, after several phonecalls, said it would cost us anywhere between $500- $3000, and they couldn’t be sure how much it would be. And that’s after the insurance pays their part. I don’t have 3K in my account, despite the fact that I’m not medicaid eligible.

    So we made a choice, skipped the test and just hope she’s okay.

    Thanks for playing, anonymous 74. Come back again when you have a family and real experience.

  59. sorry bacci i’m going to have to call your bluff and yes i downloaded the initial bill, and i know it’s not in it’s final stage, I’m just happy that it includes pre-existing conditions.

  60. bacci40, a single payer system is socialized medicine.

    Brisker Dayan, YOU don’t know what you are talking about. The House legislation as is written will make it impossible for insurance companies to stay in business. It also makes it illegal for insurance companies to sell new policies.

    The very same radio and TV hosts that you criticize have read the bill and quote verbatim.

    Why don’t you go to Betsy McCaughey-Ross’ website. She was neither a radio nor TV conservative host but the former lieutenent governor of New York State. Then Brisker Dayan you will be well learnt.

  61. Mandy,

    Firstly, I’m the mother of a large family.

    Secondly, the issue of not covering a specific test is not going to be alleviated by healthcare reform- I have not heard of any clause that states every test must be covered. To the contrary, you will likely have a much HARDER time getting tests approved from a socialized medicine type program, just like those in the UK currently suffer from. I hear it all the time from my friends in the UK.

    Thirdly, your choice to decline the test indicates that you do not think it was so urgent after all. A typical mother would serve her family peas and noodles for a year if it meant getting a needed test for a child.

    In summary: anyone who needs to make choices between bread on the table and a doctor’s visit for a child is eligible for Medicaid. The criteria are not that strict. For example, in NJ, Family care for children in a relatively small family of 3 children allows you to have an income of up to $77, 370 (I just looked it up). True, if one has luxuries (cleaning help, eating out, nice car, clothing from boutiques instead of K-Mart or Bergament) they might have a problem, but anyone who puts a nice car or cleaning, cleaning help or summer camp before healthcare insurance is in a class of their own…

    As far as specific tests or procedures, this is EXACTLY what people are afraid of: healthcare reform is not about giving you the tests that you would like…

  62. 47 (get real),

    When asked last week how they expect to pay for all this, Pelosi (maybe Reid too?) said nothing is off the table. They were asked if that meant a VAT tax and the answer was they were strongly considering a VAT tax. Stop drinking the govt kool-aid.

    Just remember one of the 5 biggest lies is, “Hi, I’m from the Govt and I am here to help you!”

  63. 76,

    I am sorry for your problem however keep in mind you will have the same exact problem under obamacare. just ask the people of countries that have socialized medicine. they will tell you its not necessary. this is what happens in other countries with socialized medicine. this is not going to be a utopia. people will CHV pay for this with their lives like they do in all other countries with govt intervention in healthcare. if the ins co doesnt want to pay for something what makes you think the govt will? because obama. pelosi, reid say they should? you are dreaming!!

  64. You want to begin “reforming” healthcare? Start here:

    * Number one: let families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines.

    * Number two: allow individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, the same way large corporations and labor unions do.

    * Number three: give states the tools to create their own innovative reforms that lower health care costs.

    * Number four: end junk lawsuits that contribute to higher health care costs by increasing the number of tests and procedures that physicians sometimes order not because they think it’s good medicine, but because they are afraid of being sued.

    Why tear down the whole apartment building for a leaky washer? Its makes no sense.

  65. I strongly urge everyone to watch this video of Congressman Mike Rogers’ (MI) speech given on the House floor this past Shabbos.

    Its less than 4 minutes long but worth EVERY second. Listen to what your friends Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Obama, etc want to give you. This is utterly frightening. If we dont hound our reps NOT TO PASS THIS MESS, we are all helping our country commit suicide!

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