Israel Wages Battle Against ‘NY Times’

nyt.gifFor the past 10 days, the State of Israel has been waging a battle against the New York Times, for what it calls tendentious and unfair coverage of the Jewish state.

At the focus of the storm is the Goldstone report. Recently, there were many exchanges between the newspaper’s journalists and editors with Israel Foreign Ministry representatives, and yesterday the Israeli delegation in the UN sent an official complaint to the newspaper’s editorial board.

The complaint, signed by the Israel UN delegation’s spokeswoman, Mirit Cohen, says that the newspaper uses subjective negative language about Israel and failed in writing fair and accurate coverage.

The complaint also states: “Again and again we encounter distorted phraseology that is liable to cause the innocent reader to think that the report found definitive proof that Israel committed war crimes in Gaza. This is a report that is flawed from the outset, which gives legitimacy to a terror organization that fires missiles at innocent civilians. The New York Times’s bias in ignoring this reality requires reexamination”, wrote Cohen.

The New York Times has yet to respond to the Israeli government’s unprecedented attack on the New York Times.

(Source: The Bulletin)

12 Responses

  1. Who rememers what the new york times did during ww2? they hardly mentioned the gassing of millions oj jews. and the ny times in owned by a sellout jew also!!!! traitor piece of zevel!!!!!!!!

  2. Its not for no reason that the new york times is going bankrupt. They are a sick liberal, anti israel, anti america, kissing up to barrack obama news paper!israel keep on going,knock them dead!!

  3. Nothing new here.
    The NY Times is losing readership. DO you wonder why?

    The last Time I bought a NY Times paper was over 33 years ago.

  4. the new york has the motto ‘all the news fit to print’. well i stopped buying that leftist piece of trash over 20 years ago. recently they advertised that that they probably will become more conservative viewing the new and reporting such.i will believe it if it happens . they are a bunch of self hating personalities of the jewish faith and cannot tolerate a religious opinion under any circumstance. just as the jews of israel ignore. or should ignore arab propaganda so they should ignore the new york times, a piece of trash not worth the money you have to pay for it.

  5. i have a distinct opinion about all of this

    when the facts on the ground change we wont be dealing with such immature daily stupidity like this it will be nursery and beneath us when we have true proud jewish oriented leadership that will set a pace of complete control over the argument then this type of talk wont exist kind of like when fighting world war 2 we dont talk about property rights of ukrainian collaborators it will be a non issue

    the day will come im way ahead of this whole narrowmindedness

  6. Can someone please explain to me why any self respecting yid would want to buy this fish wrap?

    Oh, sorry I answered my own question.

  7. #10

    New York Times is run by the same self-hating Jewish leftist as the destroyers of Israel and the rest of the world.

    Your fish could become contaminated if it’s wrapped with their filth.

  8. baron, you are also an absolute ignoramus to Hashkofas Hatorah, halacha, and Jewish history.

    Before we get into what our gedolim have said what is and what is not considered authentic Jewish discussion, the New York Slimes was excusing the terrorists of 9/11 three days afterwards.

    Now who would you call narrowminded; us frume yidden or the self-hating Jews of their editorial board?!

  9. nytimes is nothing but a rag sheet. It has turnout toi nothing by a tabloid that is sold at
    checkout counters. It has always been against the Jews even though the owners are Jewish. The end this rag is failing and the crooks in the white house are going to bail it out since they need this rag to promulgate their communist policies.
    May we see the demise of this rag and the administration

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