Op-Ed: NYC: Win At Any Cost. NJ: Win Because Of The Costs

ywe1.jpgHe thumbed his nose at New Yorkers, who twice voted for term limits, spent over one hundred million dollars, and came away with a pyrrhic victory. Mayor Mike can serve another term, but the means of achieving his reelection will in all probability leave him from day one a lame duck; and no money can fix that. His costly ego trip bought him a small victory over an unimpressive opponent. To this victor belongs the spoils; but what for us?

New Jersey has not looked at a republican favorably in a long time, and it took a bad economy and highest in the nation property taxes to lay-off the former Goldman Sachs head, and replace him with the highly successful former US Attorney, Chris Christie.

Chris Christie won every district in Lakewood, besides one. (Lakewood’s Vaad went for Corzine, Lakewood people went for Christie).

Christie sent to prison many corrupt NJ politicians, now he’ll be working with them.

Good Luck!

In the other gubernatorial race, Virginia, the republican won too.

For 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue the public has made their option known.

(Haskell Rosenstein – YWN)

5 Responses

  1. Exactly what are you trying to be mechadesh here? Even by just following this election remotely from Eretz Yisroel I knew all of that.

  2. So in New York City, the Democrats came close to electing their first mayor since Crown Heights (okay, Dinkins messed up other things as well). Unless the opposition finds a new billionaire to run, the city will probably be solid Democratic in four years. I doubt this is a reason to celebrate.

    In the 23rd district the Republicans lost a safe seat suggesting that the Democrats are gaining overall – and that unless the Republicans can rein in their right-wing, the Democrats can hope to win no matter how badly they mess up the country.

    The three-way race in New Jersey proves next to nothing. Virginia proves that the south is not about to go solid blue. The Maine vote on same-sex marriage shows the Democrats might want to find a way to rein in their left wing.

    Both parties should be both encouraged and warned by the results. In 2010 and 2012, the big factors are the economy and perhaps foreign affairs, and if the economy improves, and the world doesn’t explode, Obama should be in good shape unless he shoots himself in the foot.

  3. The only reason he won by such a small margin is because many thought he had it in the bag and didnt show up to vote. My father in law, a diehard voter that wouldnt miss a vote come rain sleet or snow, didnt go and vote for exactly that reason.

  4. akuperma, the economy is not getting any better soon, the Iranians will soon have a nuclear bomb and the means to detonate it, and Obama already shot himself in the foot. Any other chochmas you can try to impress upon us?

  5. #5 You are the only one who has a clue. Every news source stated that this election for NYC Mayor had the lowest turnout in a good many years. Forget political agenda or term limits. All that is nonsense. Unfortunately, too many people, especially in the frum community, take an election for granted. In my office of several hundred NY residents, only 3 people (myself included) planned to vote. In an informal poll in the office most felt that “Bloomberg doesn’t need my vote”. Bottom line: that is the only rational explanation.

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