Christie Wins NJ Governor, Second Big Loss For Obama

christie.jpgNBC & AP Report: The race for New Jersey governor, widely anticipated as one of the closest contests in the nation, goes to Republican Chris Christie.

In the end, all the stumping in the world from the President of the United States wasn’t going to stop regime change in New Jersey’s highest office.

Republican Chris Christie ended Democrat Jon Corzine’s four-year run in Trenton with a narrow victory on Tuesday, The Associated Press projected. Independent Chris Daggett, thought of by many as the wildcard who could upset the order of things by siphoning off votes from Christie, finished well back.

With 4,507 of 6,305 precincts reporting, Christie led Corzine 50 percent to 44 percent.

Independent voters gave President Barack Obama a huge advantage in the state last year, but they heavily favored Christie on Tuesday.

Voters said their top concerns were the economy and jobs, followed by property taxes. Voters who said the economy was important favored Corzine, while voters who said taxes mattered most supported Christie.

Christie’s win will likely be perceived as a big defeat for the White House. President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden had stumped for Corzine several times during the campaign, and they had hoped the result would speak positively to the job they are doing in Washington.

In New Jersey, 60 percent of voters said Obama was not a factor in their vote. For those voters who said Obama was a factor, 19 percent said their vote for governor was to support him, while 20 percent said it was to express opposition.

(Source: NBC / WCBSTV)

45 Responses

  1. well now that he is governor they will HAVE TO widen Route 9 – one lane wouldnt be wide enough for Christie to pass through

  2. does anyone know the breakdown of the votes for governor that came out of lakewood,could we assume that the vaad has finally met its demise?

  3. It’s time we have COMMUNITY-WIDE elections in Lakewood for a new Vaad.


    In fact, if they are not maskim, we will do it on our own.

    Aron K & Co. better start getting into line real fast.

    We’ve had enough.

  4. Big yasher koach to reb shmuel meyer katz shlita for standing upto the lakewood corruption, and standing up for torah values.

  5. It’s just too bad that Christie was never even given a tour of Lakewood, and was given a cold shoulder by BMG/Vaad.

    But it’s better this way.

    Christie will give them back a cold shoulder, and new askonim will stand up for what’s right.

  6. Why is ever1 saying that the Vaad has nothing to loose? Criste sees that it dosent make a difference who the Vaad endorses, the pp vote for whoever they think is right for them! And the fact that everyone from the comunity voted 4 Meir and Menashe is Not bec the Vaad endored them. The Vaad is defenatly loosing its power!

  7. Don’t even think for a second that all of this wasn’t gufa oisgecheshboned lechatchila to end up like this by the vaad. They had to publicly go with corzine altz hakoras hatov but knew full well that the oilam would zicher go with christie anyway. They even asked some rabbonim to create an atmosphere of safek in the sugya to get the oilam to go with christie. Mamesh sheer genius the tantzing oif tzvei chasunas. So don’t anyone think that they’re any smarter than the askanim, especially when D/T was involved..

  8. The reason the election fever was so high, was because most people who know what’s going on in America realizes how important this election in NJ was for the rest of the country, and how this will be a setback for Obama, which is what we all want.

  9. I voted for Corzine and am happy that Christie won. I voted for Corzine to show hakaras hatov for his being good to Lakewood. Politicians should know that we are independent minded and if they deliver for us they will get our hakaras hatov and our vote. Otherwise they will treat us like any other demographic that can be taken for granted to consistently vote for one party (just like they take the blacks for granted). I am happy that christie was elected because he has an agenda that is more consistent with our hashkafos. I think if more of Lakewood had voted for corzine it would have had been much more effective in convincing christie that if he delivers for Lakewood he will get all of our votes in four years. I’m happy I did my part and would vote for Corzine again even knowing that he would lose.

  10. Enough of the bashing,enough of the loshon hora. all this kind of talk does not make hashem happy. If you want to change things do it in a mature way.#3 who knows who reads these comments,please you and everyone watch what you say!






  12. amazing night.

    obama falls flat on his face.

    virginia, new jersey, and let’s not forget that he endorsed thompson for mayor in nyc as well.


  13. Ok. Party over.

    What are we gonna hock about in BMG during seder tomorrow?

    This will fizzle out pretty soon. What will we do next?

    We need a school strike, or something else big for a few weeks. Just to poshut keep the oilam on their toes.

  14. For the one above who asked about the numbers, here are the numbers for Ocean County.

    188,790 votes cast

    Christie 123,882 65.62%
    Corzine 53,628 28.41%

    The rest of the votes were cast for the minor candidates.

  15. number 3 – your mother should wash out your mouth – is that the respect you show for the governor?

    number 18 – cut the act out – lakewood went for christie in no small part bec the vaad went for corzine – were sick and tired of the vaad bullying us to vote for the candidate that feeds them better

  16. The winner of this election was the yetzer harah! Bitul Torah, lashon harah, rechilus, sinas chinam, sheker, motzi shem ra & more! Think about it.

  17. as much as we don’t like it, it is time for change. our taxes are through the roof. and nj is broke. it may hurt in the beginning, but the situation with the programs has left many people cripled, they need to work but can’t because they’ll lose their programs. its meshugah.the coffers are empty .medicaid is broke . and the state is broke .right now and the system is bound to crack .Where is nj going to get all this money from? they are trillions in debt. if there are cuts(and I don’t wish it on anyone c’v ) don’t panic h-ashem is always there for his kinderlach. let us a be mechazikzein in learnin and avodas ha-shem and in the end everything will be for our benefit.

  18. Wish I lived in NJ. We got 4 more years of this megalomaniac (wait…he’ll run again in 4 years time.) Meanwhile, Christie’s victory sends a clear message to Obama: you’re a failure. Hope the Dems are sweating.

  19. This is great news for New Jersey as we said: No Toaiva; NO higher taxes; and NO corruption.
    Strike two for Obama. His presence seems to have an adverse affect. He thought by showing his charm he would get the Olympics for his state and by showing himself for Corzine that would also convince the people. Clinton was known as the teflon president. Obama will be known as the transparent president as we can all see through him and that he stands for nothing.

  20. Chrisite backtracked on his platform’s position regarding property tax rebates this past week. Kind of tells you what he’s good for and he wasn’t even in office yet. Voted for Chrisitie for no other reason than to send Barack a message – get lost.

  21. I don’t know if we should be jumping for joy, after all we are still in golus, and Obama has more power than you think. Who do you think got him in that office in the first place? (It wasn’t natural, that a nobody like him got up there so fast) Remember Hashem runs the world and the elections.

  22. charliehall:
    The Democrat who won the NY seat is more conservative than the RINO who would have won. The “Republican” was a proponent of genderless marriage among other liberal causes. A moral victory was achieved during a time that no one congressional seat will stop an out of control Democrat Congress.

  23. BMG Coffee Room, I absolutely laughed out loud at your post. You sound like my son the yeshiva bachur. Veiter!

    Just about all of the bloggers I enjoyed with this news item. But, I would like to remind everyone, that the hearts of kings and their officers are in the hand of Hashem. We can’t just sit back on our laurels and say that everything is b’seder. We still need to always remember that America is not our land and we still need to daven and do good deeds so we may bring the Moshiach sooner.

    Hey, justajew, YonasonW, tony smith, and akuperma, where are you!?

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