Republican Elected Governor In Virginia; Big Loss For Obama

mcdonnell.jpgRepublican Bob McDonnell has been elected governor of Virgina, defeating Democratic state Sen. Creigh Deeds, according to media reports based on ballot counts and exit polls.

McDonnell, a former state attorney general, is the first Republican to win the job since Jim Gilmore won in 1997.

McDonnell, 55, has strong conservative credentials, but ran as a moderate in a state that voted for Democrat Barack Obama for president a year ago.

It’s the ninth straight time Virginians have elected a governor from the party that’s out of power in the White House.

(YWN Election Center – 2009)

3 Responses

  1. B’ezras Hashem, the Obama brand will become utterly toxic. Now, if McDonnell can stay on the moral straight and narrow, the GOP’s fortunes could be on the mend. Onward to New Jersey. Vote for Christie.

  2. Ha Ha!!!! How long will Jews be stupid ENOOGH to believe that republicans are not controlled by the same people as democrats are????? Ha Ha HA

  3. #2, they all are controlled to a certen extent by the bankers, but not completely,…

    Think of it, lehavdil, as some Rabbonim or Rashei Yeshiva influenced to a certen extent by the financial board. The influence is real and noticable, but it doesn’t cover everything they do.

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