Rav Shteinman Says To Vote As The ‘Lakewood Vaad’ Says

mk.jpgClick on image to ENLARGE a handwritten letter by the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Malkiel Kotler Shlita which was released late Monday afternoon. Rav Malkiel Kotler writes that he has consulted with Hagon Rav Shteinman Shlita in Eretz Yisroel, and was told to publicize in his name that everyone should vote for the candidates endorsed by the Lakewood Vaad.

The Lakewood Vaad has endorsed NJ Governor John Corzine.


Please see the following story on YWN (HERE), which is a letter written by one of the leading Poskim in Lakewood;
Please see the story written by Rabbi Yehuda Levin (HERE), where he claims that there is no way possible that Rav Shteinman was presented with all the facts regarding Corzine or Christie. Rabbi Levin further stated: “Today, Rav Simcha HaKohen Kook shlita obtained the signatures of Rav Shteiman and Rav Elyashiv on a Kol Koreh, which many Gedolei Yisroel signed, which obligates us to fight in every manner against the passage of same gender marriage laws. The third rail of kedusha, “not voting” for the evil politicians, is not mentioned in this text although it’s obvious that this is the “hishtadlus” we can and are obligated to make.”

(YWN Lakewood Desk)

18 Responses

  1. Oh why didn’t we listen to Maran. We can now see the gadlus and
    foresight of a Gadol and Manhig.

    אלעזר מנחם מן שך
    קרית הישיבה
    בס”ד, מוצש”ק צו י”ג ניסן תשמ”ז

    שלום ורב ברכה לש”ב ידידי ורב חביבי היקר יקרים
    מוכתר במעלות ובמידות שמנו חכמים בקנין תורה
    הגאון המפורסם ראש ישיבת לייקווד בארה”ב
    מוהר”ר…… שיחי’ ולכל ראשי הישיבה
    אשר בישיבת לייקווד שיחי
    שלומכון יסגא עד בלי ירח

    הנה באתי בזה לקדמכם בברכה ברכת חג שמח וכשר ותזכו כולכם להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה.בהרבה תלמידים הרוצים לעלות במעלות התו”י ואגב, אני מנצל את האפשרות להיות כנדוש ללא שאלוני ואני מבקש סליחתכם ע”ז יען שאני מבוגר, ואינני יודע יומי, וכל יום ויום היא מתנת ה’ אלי, ותאבני שיהי’ לי אזה זכות וחלק בכל מקום שהוא בהחזקת התורה ויראת ה’, ולכן אני מעיז להעיר לפניכם ממה שיש לי מתוך הנסיון

    תפקידו של ראש ישיבה העיקר הוא להיות עסוק רק בתורה ועל ידי זה יראו התלמידים ויהי’ להם לדוגמא. ואף שבמדה מסיומת יש לפקח ולראות על העיר והמקום שיתנהל בדרך התורה ושיהי’ עין פקוחה על המוסדות המתיסדים שם, אבל זה לא יעסיק אתכם הרבה, וכל מה שהאדם הוא יותר גדול וירא שמים דבריו מתקבלים יותר, ובתבונה ובסבלנות ונחת אפשר
    לפעול הרבה.
    והעיקר העלי’ העצמית משפיע הרבה, מה שיש להרבות בבתי כנסיות ובתי מדרשות חברות ש”ס משניות חברות לימוד משנה ברורה, על ידי זה יהי’ להם יותר השקפה האמיתית של דעת תורה ויראת שמים, וכידוע שבזמנינו ההפקרות שולט ברחוב ואין דבר העומד נגד התאוה וההפקרות והכל מותר, ואין ערך החיים תופס אצלם מקום, והכל נקלט
    אצלם בשטחיות, מה שכתוב בעיתון , וזהו רק מפני הריקנות שיש ורק המשחקים בכדורים זהו התענוג, אבל כשילמדו יקבלו השקפה אחרת על כל החיים ויהיו יותר רציניים וזהו תפקידכם שב”ה זיכה ה’ אתכם לעמוד בראש הישיבה הכי גדולה, מוטל החיוב עליכם להעסק רק בה מה שאפשר להשפיע יותר ולזרזם לגדלות בתו”י ואז יהי’ הנאה להם
    והנאה לעולם, זהו מה שיש להעיר ואני מבקש סליחתכם מה שהוספתי בדברים בזה.

    ובזה אני גומר את דברי בברכה מרובה לכולכם בעלי’ בתו”י וחג שמח וכשר, ממני המסור לכם.
    אלעזר מנחם מן שך

    ברכה מיוחדת שולח ל…. מר. … ש’ שתזכה לאריכת ימים ושנים ונחת מכל צאצאי הנ”ל

  2. MDschweks….you’re right on the money. I could make the case for Cris Christie to R’ Shteinman and get his haskama.

    It’s all about a narrow minded agenda.

    Democrats are sinking this country. Do what’s right….vote Christie.

  3. The reality is, that most people simply feel that the question was worded in a way that only one logical answer was forthcoming.

    Rav Malkeial’s position was certainly pre-determined, as his position had already been publicly stated, and there is no doubt that his presentation was bent in that direction. Anyone who doubts this is suffering from an abundance of naivety.

    What would have possibly settled the issue, would have been if Rav Malkeiel would have been on conference with another respected talmud chacham, who’s position was also pre-determined in the opposite direction. Then, Rav Shteinman would of had all positions to the sheila in front of him.

  4. It is unfortunate that many in Lakewood and elsewhere have accepted Rush Limbaugh, Mike Savage and other right wing kooks on the radio as their Daas Torah.

    The 33 gedolim who signed the ban on listening to Lipa Shmetzer would have been far wiser to ban listening to the above menuvalim. It is now coming back to bite them.

  5. If you do not want 4 more years as a drone for a Governor please do not vote for Daggett. He cannot win and is only going to guarantee 4 more years od Corzine and nothing but more taxes with no results. Corzine has no option but to raise taxes on this bleak situation. The Corzine administration employs 30% of the residents of New Jersey because there are more private sector jobs being created in the state of New Jersey. How else can Corzine pay for the salaries/benefits/pensions of these government employees except to raise our taxes. There is no new business coming into our state anymore. The Pharmaceutical and Telecom industries that once dominated the landscape of this great state have found other friendlier places to do business, particularly down south. Why would any multi-national corpoaration or new business want to set up shop in this state with our current tax structure, let alone our property taxes?

    When the only residents left in this state are low wage income earners, government workers and illegal aliens how then will the state flip the tab for all of this out of control spending? It does not pay to reside or do business anymore in New Jersey, unless, you are Union run or have ties to the state government. High paying jobs have left the state in a mass exodus only to be replaced by low paying government positions by the droves. New Jersey is a social welfare state. That’s the only reason Obama likes what he sees in NJ. He is trying to model the other 49 states after the tax and spend dynasty that the democrats have built in this state with no results.

    Speaking of Unions and Special Interests how about Jon Corzine and Karla Katz? How come the press just let that incident go unnoticed, or, why isn’t anyone looking into the amount of money the Corzine Foundation has given to the inner city churches to entice the ministers to sway the votes of their congregations to the Corzine camp, or, the 500K he gave to Joe Ferreiro (indicted) as the head of the Bergen County Democrats for defrauding Bergenfield.
    Talk about being in bed with Unions and Special Interests….PLEASE…. Jon Corzine will say and do anything to get re-elected.





    Are you tellimg me that Rabbi Avigdr Mlller would have you vote for a neo-Nazi who threatened to complete Hitler’s work if he were running in a two way race against someone who supported gay marraige?

  8. mkarpas (no. 9):

    Calm down; take a deep breath; and read my post (no. 8) again.

    Rav Miller was concerned with HaShem’s honor–Kiddush- HaShem–First, Last, and always–PERIOD!

  9. Rav Avigdor Miller Ztz”l held very strongly, despite discontent from some Yeshivos, that AS A GENERAL RULE one should vote the OPOSITE of the liberals choice. Let’s hope we don’t have a Neo-Nazi running till Mashiach comes.

  10. #13: The va’ad has already publicly stated that Utley should be MVP no matter who wins the world series since he has been the most dominant and dynamic player in the series hands down.
    A kol koreh is said to be in the works neged this statement from the va’ad, from gedolim in EY. The gedolei EY seem to hold the AL is more in line with torah values and therefore a Yankee must be voted in for MVP.
    Agudas Yisroel is convening an urgent conference this evening with big askonim who hold season tickets and own luxury boxes on hand and representatives of the Moetzes Gedolei Ha’Torah. With the Yanks up 3-2 and the Pedro on the mound it seems that they are trying to figure out some sort of p’shara where perhaps somebody from the Marlins will accept the MVP on behalf of a few players on each team.


  12. I am very skeptical of this report, because it is well-known that Gedolim do not intervene in the affairs of other Gedolim in faraway places, since they cannot get information close at hand, and since they don’t want to insult the local Moreh D’Asra.

    The Talmud tells us: “HoRoTzeh LeShaker, YarChik EduSo!”

  13. That is the biggest pile I’ve heard in a long time. There is no way that any Gadol would have endorsed Corzine over Christie had he been given all the facts, sorry not buyin it.

    I understand the name of the game in Lakewood is ripping off the Government, and that everyone and their goldfish is on every program that doesnt yet exist, so yea, if that’s what you like go ahead and vote Corzine, but then I don’t want to hear all the complaining about Lakewood turning into slums with the illegals and all that garbage…. ya think? usually HUDD and Section 8 and fixed rents aren’t in the nicer parts of town.

    So if the “Vaad” fixes the agenda, youre just going to have to live with it. Thats why you wont find me near Lakewood.

  14. “If pigs could vote, the man with the slop bucket would be elected swineherd every time, no matter how much slaughtering he did on the side.” – — Orson Scott Card (1951- ) Novelist

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