PHOTOS: Bloomberg Visits Flatbush Restaurant On Campaign Trail

26.jpgPHOTO LINK BELOW: Despite the recent polls showing Mayor Bloomberg winning over opponent Bill Thompson by at least 15 points among likely voters, Bloomberg is continuing full-steam on his campaign trail.

One of his many stops on Sunday was the “Essex On Coney” restaurant located on Avenue M & East 19th Street in the heart of Flatbush.

The mayor was greeted by cheering passerbys, and children rushed to “high-five” Mayor Mike Bloomberg and get his autograph.

The mayor purchased some take-out-food, spent some time chatting with local residents, and proceeded to his next stop in his busy schedule.

YWN PHOTO LINK: YWN photographer Shimon Gifter was on the scene, and captured the images. Click HERE to view them.

(Eli Gefen – YWN)

One Response

  1. Our Rov said not to vote for either Thompson or the Maya because both were for Toeiva marriage. And I say to vote for the conservative candidate for Mayor! Let’s show the world that Yidden stick to their religious principles.

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