Poll Shows N.J. Gov Race is Anyone’s Game

nje.jpgThe New Jersey governor’s race is neck and neck between leading Republican and Democrat contenders just days before the election, a new poll released early Sunday morning showed.

GOP Challenger Chris Christie held a meager one-point lead over incumbent Democrat Jon Corzine, 43 to 42 percent, in the latest Monmouth University/Gannett New Jersey Poll. The poll shows a shift from two weeks ago, when the race was tied at 39 percent.

Christie, however, had 86 percent of his party’s support, while Corzine only had 77 percent from state Democrats, according to the poll.

Chris Daggett, the Independent contender, dropped 6 percent from the last poll and fell to an 8 percent mark from his 14 percent high two weeks ago.

Independent voters support Christie over Corzine by an overwhelming majority — 51 to 29 percent, according to the poll.

The polls will open Nov. 3 in the state.

(Source: NBC New York)

8 Responses

  1. For those of us who live in Jersey-
    those who are urging everyone to vote democrat are likely in it for the financial support they will receive from that candidate. You won’t see a penny of that money.Chris Christie however, has promised school vouchers.

    The whole country is following the New Jersey race because this state has been democrat for many years. If Christie is voted in it will show Obama that he is taking the country down the wrong road on many issues (diplomacy, deficit, unemployment, socialized medicine…)and is losing support fast!!
    The race is so close. VOTE REPUBLICAN!

  2. shmuliklein, the Lakewood Va’ad is endorsing Corzine. This is with all of the campaigning that Obama is doing on Corzine’s behalf. Could someone please explain to me how could the Lakewood Va’ad endorse Corzine?

  3. flatbush bubby,

    you want to know why the lakewood vaad supports corzine? the answer is simply, FOLLOW THE MONEY!! Liberal hand outs are perfect for many people in lakewood whom the vaad looks after.

  4. I agree with shmuliklein . The Healthcare bill is tolee on this election. If christie wins, it will give all midle of the road dems pause that they may lose if they follow this path. Raboisay – please vote and please vote for Christie

  5. The reason the lakewood vaad suggest to vote for corzine is,at the end of the day he has done a lot for the lkwd community.

  6. yehudah y d, so why were there so many indictments with the recent corruption scandal? Who needs to be associated with a crooked politician? Oh, I forgot, Corzine was not indicted. Just his fellow Democrats.

  7. I hate to admit things have come to this; voting anyway even though neither candidate will be a prize, but Corzine has to go even if it means Christie will govern as a slacker.

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