Monroe Republican Councilman Arrested For Assault

arrest8.jpg2:25PM EST: Jimmy Rogers, the Republican Councilman in the Town of Monroe, NY has just been arrested for assault, YWN has learned.

Sources tell YWN, that the Councilman assaulted Democrat Councilman Harley Doles at a town hall meeting on Wednesday evening.  Doles was transported to Good Samaritan Hospital by EMS following the assault.

Rogers surrendered himself to the Town of Monroe Police Department just a few minutes ago, and was placed under arrest.


One town councilman claims another councilman picked him up and threw him into a chair and a wall during a heated argument at a Town Board meeting Wednesday morning.

In an interview after returning home from Good Samaritan Hospital in Suffern almost seven hours later, Councilman Harley Doles accused Councilman Jim Rogers of assaulting him, and said the altercation raised his blood pressure so high that he felt weak and needed treatment to be stabilized.

Village of Monroe police Chief Dom Giudice confirmed that his department responded to a reported altercation at the John DeAngelis Meeting Hall on Lake Street, but couldn’t be reached later to say if police had charged Rogers.

Doles said that touched a nerve with him, because he has been railing against unofficial meetings that Weeks – a longtime board member and town Republican chairman – routinely holds with developers on matters outside the Town Board’s purview.

When Doles objected, Rogers told him to keep quiet, and Doles responded in kind with an added expletive, he said.

And that’s when Rogers threw him, said Doles, who has a pacemaker for his heart.

Doles, who claims to have had a confrontation over another unofficial meeting one day earlier, said he tape-recorded the altercation on Wednesday and turned the tape over to the village police.

Doles is the only Democrat on an otherwise Republican board. He was appointed to fill a vacancy in 2006, and was elected, along with Rogers, to four-year terms in 2007.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

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