U.S. Serves Subpoenas To Suspected UBS Tax Cheats In NY area

ubs1.jpgWashington, DC – The U.S. government has served subpoenas to wealthy individuals in recent days in the New York area to target those who may have evaded taxes using offshore accounts at UBS AG, lawyers said on Wednesday.

The sweep is the latest phase as the government attempts to prosecute the first among a list of 280 individual bank accounts it gained when UBS settled a criminal probe by the U.S. government earlier this year. UBS paid $780 million to settle the case, and admitted it actively helped Americans skirt taxes.

(Source: Reuters)

6 Responses

  1. Very few frum Jews are rich enough to have numbered Swiss accounts (frankly, changes in food stamps and WIC are more important to most of us), however it is interesting that the government is pursuing a major source of lost revenue, and any tax revenue from someone other than “us” is by definition in our interests.

  2. #2- the US owns the Virgin Islands – it doesn’t help to “stash” money in territory your home country controls. Money stashed in the Virgin Islands is as tax free as money stashed in New Jersey.

  3. George Soros has made his billions on selling currency “short.” He is responsible for devaluing currency and sells to make his money. He has done this in the past for a number of countries and has been convicted for insider trading. HE HAS PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’S (mmmm mmm mmm) EAR and is a VERY DANGEROUS person!

  4. akuperma, the Virgin Islands is yes a U.S. territory but it enjoys very strict banking regulations that permit it to be a bank haven for a personality like George Soros.

    mark levin, you are absolutely correct about George Soros and his leftwing loving ways. charvona, get real about the halachos. George Soros has gone as far as given support to the Palestinians.

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