City Of Chicago Looking For ‘Rats’

rat.jpgChicago and Cook County residents aren’t the only ones about to get shocking tax news; the city is debuting a “tax whistle-blower” plan that could turn neighbor against neighbor in Chicago’s business community.

The folks at city hall will pay cash bounties to informants who turn in business tax cheats around the city. The reward would amount to some sort of percentage of the tax money that the city recovers.

“It’s just another way of bringing people into compliance,” Revenue Department spokesman Ed Walsh told the Sun-Times.

“It would probably be … a business knowing that a competitor is not remitting a tax. An employee [of the tax-dodging business] could know that, too. Typically, you need to provide some type of incentive.”

(Source: NBC Chicago)

16 Responses

  1. Typical totalitarian tactic. Russian (Commie era) looks in the mirror and says, “One of us is an informer.” No surprise coming from Chicago, hometown of the Marxist @ 1600.

  2. We in NY already have this, with 311. Anyone can call to make any complaint about anyone and anything, and it will be investigated. I know of a new business that opened and within 2 weeks 311 got 103 phone calls with alleged complaints.
    After spending thousands to prove they were unfounded, he had no money left to run his business and was forced to close it down.
    This country is becoming what Russia was.

  3. Why does yeshivaworld even run this story? This is not a major story and of no particular interest to Yidden, unless you believe the worst stereotypes that the goyim have about us. I do not, but when you run this story, as if this is something Yidden better know, you buy into the worst sterotypes about us, and I don’t know why you do that.

  4. One cant forget how Obama is directly responsible for everything that goes wrong in any town hall, especially Chicago.

    Has anyone here ever studied anything about American law? Just say you hate him but stop blaming him for the lack of rain in Israel.

  5. this means if you have a beef with your neighbor, you call the feds & cause him all sorts of grief. ta;l about big brother watching you. typical chicago style thuggery.

    4, no one is claiming they could cheat on taxes. 2’s comment was that this isnt a surprise coming from whence it did. I do, however, have to ask you why YOU have a guilty conscience?

  6. charliehall,

    Having your neighbor rat you out is NOT the answer! if the govt thinks you are cheating they know what to do LEGALLY! This is TERRIBLE. A neighbor with an agenda could tie you up in court for years.

    If you like it, I hope your neighbor gets you good! Enjoy the agmas nefesh trying to prove you are innocent.

    this was once a nice country. too bad people like you want to ruin it.

  7. #7, its a news story and particularly because its not a common phenomenon here in the U.S. to get people to activly rat on their fellow businesses. YWN is a news source and that is the reason you yourself were on this website in the first place. Now I do believe that there are a few states that have this in place already and even NY state wanted to pass this law but was denied.

  8. 15, you are incorrect! The govt can enforce laws by having the police/FBI/CIA do their jobs. They cannot have private people “masering” on neighbors based on a suspicion. Hence, it is not any different from Germany, Russia, etc.!

  9. #17:

    But it is a very efficient tool to use against those who are rodfim and are involved in all sorts of dealings. People in Chicago are concerned.

  10. When taxes go up people cheat. Yes it is wrong
    but people want something morning than a workers take home pay for spending the hours, aggravation, like of peace because of the total investment. The obamanation government is trying to tax working people and especially business owner to death. Look how he attack Joe the plumber. Obama and his friends are Marxist so he teach the people to rat on your friends like rUSSSIA taught the people to rat on your parents.
    Obama is a hate monger

  11. I in no way hold that being a tax cheat is muttar. I do, however, have big issues with the informant mentality that governments like to rely on. I wonder why it is that the Secretary of the Treasury gets a pass on cheating on his taxes and gets to run OUR treasury department. I wonder why Charlie Rangel gets a pass and heads the taxation committee. Get the picture? The government is the biggest thief in the US and it legalizes it’s theft. I don’t cheat on my taxes, I don’t ask to get things on the sly without paying sales tax. The fella @ 1600 likes for his enemies to be informed on by his supporters (remember [email protected]?), everybody had a problem with Nixon’s tactics but the America hating President and his cronies can do whatever they want?

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