Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller Promotes the Improvement of Chinuch

ttl.jpgWorld renowned lecturer Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller is working with Torah website to help parents improve their transmission of Torah values to the next generation.  Rebbetzin Heller has begun an online video shiur at called Bringing Torah to Life, Deepening Our Children’s Jewish Experience.  The course was developed after students asked Rebbetzin Heller to provide guidance on how to present the Yamim Tovim and other basics of Yahadus in a meaningful and inspirational manner to their children.

The response to the course is one of great enthusiasm. One student writes, “There is almost never a shortage of subject matter to inspire a busy mother, but as a ba’alas teshuvah, I find my biggest challenge is trying to pass on my enthusiasm to my kids. Thank you so much for these invaluable classes.”

In the most recent installment of her course entitled, “Making Shabbos Come Alive for Our Children“, Rebbetzin Heller teaches parents how to create an inspiring and uplifting atmosphere in their homes every Shabbos. Future topics include Onaas Devarim – teaching children not to speak hurtfully, Kibud Av V’aim, Jealousy, Chanuka, Ahavas Yisrael, and Tznius.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. the series is excellent!!! Kol HaKavod to Rebb. Heller and the Na’aleh Website for the Harbotzas Torah and Mesorah they do!

  2. You need work on your headline. Unless she is someone who one might expect to be opposed to hinuch, the headline says nothing. Perhaps the headline should refer to the online video shiur, which is the newsworthy part of the article. Her support for hinuch isn’t a hiddush.

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