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LIVE WEBCAST: A Day of Inspiration: Yartzheit Of Rochel Imeinu

16.jpg[LIVE WEBCAST LINK BELOW] Rachel Imeinu was a cup half full kind of person. It sounds chutzpadik to talk that way about one of our Imahos, but if we want to emulate her, that’s probably the best way.

She waited for Yaakov, and then had to give him away. She waited for children, and then died far too soon. And despite all that she went through, she had patience, she had hope, she had faith. And that’s why the yartzeit of Rachel Imeinu is an inspiring day.

It is a day on which we reflect upon how Rachel handled her crises and challenges, and how she is an example to us, now and forever. We all have our ongoing struggles, the trials and tests that we encounter daily. Whether we are single looking to get married, or married with the challenges of shalom bayis. Whether we are waiting for children, or exasperated by what our children are doing. Whether we hate our boss, or are unemployed and frustrated with the endless job search that leads nowhere. And the tragedies…parents dying too young, children taken from us even younger. Illness, car accidents, terrorist attacks. Indeed, today there is no shortage of what to daven for.

Again, that’s why Rachel’s yartzeit is such an inspiring day. She was buried on the roadside for us in Galus. She is more than just a symbol of hope and faith; she is an emissary for us to Hashem. He promised her that He would listen to her cries, and she awaits us with her arms open.

Do we turn to her enough? Do we beseech her to cry on our behalf as much as we should? Many who come to Israel to visit don’t get to Kever Rachel. Many who live in Israel have never even been there. But this week, one day this year, we have a chance to make up for that. Because Rav Chaim Palagi, the revered Torah giant, held that giving tzedaka to Kever Rachel on the day of the yartzeit is a huge segula for our tefillos.

To make the day more meaningful for those who can’t be there in person, we can watch the tefillos from our homes and offices. A webcast will be operated by Mosdos Kever Rachel  for the 24 hours of the yartzeit (based on Israel time), beginning Wednesday night, so that we can see the tears, we can hear the tefillos, and we can feel the importance and holiness of the site. Perhaps that will inspire us to cry to her with our tefillos. Becuase it’s a day of inspiration, and you shouldn’t miss it. 

LIVE WEBCAST INFO: Visit to watch the webcast live from Kever Rachel.

(Naftali Landweber – YWN)

3 Responses

  1. please identify (Naftali Landweber – YWN) as working for Mosdos Kever Rochel.
    I am an employee of Yeshivat Nehamat Rachel, learning at the Kever since 1996 through all incidents. We were the only ones learning daily in a truck container while the Kever was closed for the intifada and during construction. The Yeshiva is a snif of Mercaz Harav Kook.

  2. Even learning by our mother’s kever has its politics. The YWN should listen to #1 and stop with articles that are clearly backed by any organization or charity, no matter how vital, as it really diminishes journalistic integrity. Being that YWN is such a unique news provider and is the single reliable source for many it should be more careful. (of course if they have been told otherwise by rabbanim i retract such a statement.)

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