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Op-Ed: Why I Won’t Vote for Mike Bloomberg

ywe3.jpg[Op-Ed By Yossi Gestetner]

In recent days, major NY Newspapers endorsed Mike Bloomberg for a third term as Boss of NYC. The endorsements are rather a slap down to Bloomberg’s opponent, Controller Thompson, than a ringing high-five for Bloomberg’s work.

Let’s not be foolish here: Mike has an outstanding record on budget issues, safety, education, services (through the 311 system), etc. You cannot look me in the face and say “Bloomberg is a disaster of a mayor,” and I am sure that some of you like the fact that he bought elections on his own, thus not being beholden to any special interest group. In fact, I was even ready to do work for his campaign, yet I would still not vote for Bloomberg, due to the following reasons:

1)Now that the issue is between Bloomberg and Thompson, Bloomberg is the better pick. But had voter’s referendums to place term limits meant anything, had promises to run only twice meant anything, Bloomberg would not be now on the ballot for a third therm. So, for trampling on voters’ wishes, Mike doesn’t deserve a vote from anyone.

Bloomberg of course “smartly” says that if voters have a problem with his Term Limit actions, they can choose another candidate at the ballot box. Good joke, Mr. Mayor, but by declaring your intentions for a third term, you scared off capable people from seeking office. No sir. We do not have many options on November third but voting for you, or not voting at all. Had we had better options, you can rest assure that endorsements for your candidacy would have not piled up so fast.

2)Property Tax. I know Mr. Mayor that you need to balance budgets, but last I checked property taxes went up just to “stabilize” the budgets following the 9/11 attacks. Well, the attacks took place, em… sort of like EIGHT years ago. Don’t you think it is time to cut back on property tax? You sure do believe so, that is why you give $400 tax rebates. But A) the rebates are still less than the increased taxes NYC property owners pay these days due to your increases. B) How about cutting back the tax rate amounting to $400 a year, rather than giving back the money in form of a rebate which amounts mostly to a campaign handout for voters? C) Cutting back sharply government expenses where it is mostly wasted, such as in the public school system, is the correct way to balance budgets.

3)Parking Tickets. I understand the need to raise revenue, but having traffic cops ticketing drivers for “blocking the box” on a busy intersection at 12:45 pm in Midtown, is pure cruelty. Have you Mr. Mayor, ever tried driving through the streets of Manhattan, midday, in a private car? If you didn’t, try it, and let us all know if it worked for you not getting stuck on the crosswalk. In addition, keeping the streets clear for upcoming traffic is one thing, but having traffic people enforce the signs a minute after the deadline, is a little bit too much to digest every day of the week, for eight years. Mr. Mayor: Don’t give us rehashed “parking/traffic plans.” Give us a Police force which is more lenient, and have fines on the books that amount to less than a day’s work.

4)Business is Business. To those who wonder how I would be willing to work for Mike’s team while not willing to vote for him, get this glass of reality: work is work; you have do what you need do to earn a living. Besides, the main reason why I would not vote for Bloomberg is… I don’t even live in NYC.

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.

To contact the writer send an email to [email protected]

(Yossi Gestetner – YWN)

14 Responses

  1. The article above, explains the many frustrations that New York City residents have been dealing with.

    Wherea residents of New York City are content with the fact that Mike Bloomberg doesn’t accept special interest money for his campaign, that still doesn’t stem the tide of corruption. Recently the NYC Department of Buildings have been cited for corruption at all levels. From inspectors till management, to contacts, corruption has played out.

    Whereas statistics show crime has gone down to unprecedented levels,the NYPD has changed the rules as to what constitutes a crime. Where someone who has been mugged would have been labeled a robbery, its has now been labeled as a felony assault.

    Whereas Public School test scores have gone up under the Bloomberg Administration, the “dumbing” of test scores has not been denied. Ask any Public school teacher about the new testing guidelines, test have been made so that students should score high, not that students should do well in their studies.

    Four more years under a fictitious leadership? I think not. Thats why “I’m” not voting for Mike Bloomberg

  2. Its not silly to vote for Thompson “in spite” as some commentators indicated. The fact that he’s beholden to the people for $$$ enables us as a community to connect with him if he wins and wants a second term. Bloomberg has ruined NYC as a viable place for middle class people (yes even people earning $150k-$200K are middle class when you factor in the tuition & expenses of a large mishpocho) to live & work. Thompson may chas v’sholom be another Dinkins or he can befriend our community & work with us. Think about it before you give Mike another 4 years of nasty traffic cops & building inspectors killing us with zero tolorance.

  3. “1)Now that the issue is between Bloomberg and Thompson, Bloomberg is the better pick. But had voter’s referendums to place term limits meant anything, had promises to run only twice meant anything, Bloomberg would not be now on the ballot for a third therm. So, for trampling on voters’ wishes, Mike doesn’t deserve a vote from anyone.”

    Your other reasons may have some validity, but this one is ridiculous. Are you PUNISHING him?!

  4. So basically the letter puts a great deal of weight on term limits regardless of qualifications of those who may run after a term limit is over. The rest of the letter seems to express opinions, which are abound in NYC. The letter ends with a mild attempt at being clever. What was the decision to have this bland letter posted?

  5. One of the most convincing reasons to vote for Mayor Bloomberg is… the Rabbi that spoke for two hours on the radio Motzei Shabbos and endorsed Mr. Thompson. If he endorsed Thompson, you know the candidate that will protect our interests is Mayor Bloomberg.

  6. Bloomberg might claim that he does not take a salary from New York, but he has his crews giving tickets for things that are absolutely rediculous. He sends out his search team to measure houses to see if their front is further out than regulation etc. Even if the construction was done before that person bought the house 20 years earlier, they have to break it down & rebuild according to regulation. There are other idiotic infractions that make the Environmental Quality Squad very busy & the city coffers very full!!!

    I really wish that there would be a third candidate that would be able to take votes away from both candidates. As long as there isn’t, we must do everything to take votes away from Thompson!!! He is really dangerous!! So….Think twice who you are voting for, by default, if you don’t vote for Bloomberg.

  7. 1. I can understand how some people might be annoyed by the issue of term limits, but this is what happens in a representative democracy. People elect others to make laws and change them. The fact that we got to vote on this issue at one point doesn’t preclude the city council from changing the law. I, however, like the fact that we have another chance to vote for Bloomberg, as I personally think that term limits stifel democracy. Why should you be able to tell me how many times I can vote for someone? That isn’t fair.

    2. Money wasted in the public school system? Oh yes, paying those pesky teachers. Who needs them? Opting for children who make spelling and grammar errors more often than blinking is a better option.

    3. If you have to resort to complaining about parking tickets, the mayor must have done a good job.

    4. If you don’t live in New York City, why would you write such an op-ed? Why not write one regarding your stance on the governor of South Carolina, or something else equally irrelevant to you?

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