Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Rebbe Detained In JFK Airport

tay.jpgThe Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Rebbe was detained by US Customs agents upon his arrival in JFK Airport on Sunday afternoon.

Sources tell YWN that upon the Rebbe’s arrival, he was immediately taken by agents into a private room and hassled for more than an hour. He was repeatedly questioned how much cash he was bringing into the USA.

After more than an hour of intense interrogation, and searching all the Rebbes belongings, it was obvious that there was no illegal activity involving the Rebbe – and he was permitted to exit the airport.

The Rebbe arrived today for a scheduled visit seeking to raise funds to support his ailing mosdos, some reportedly on the verge of collapse.

This upcoming shabbos, Lech Lecha, the Rebbe will hold a tisch in Boro Park.

(Eli Gefen – YWN)

23 Responses

  1. It is about time someone call out news posters for the fraud they are perpetrating on us. This post is a wonderful example of irresponsible journalism. I’m sure the writer is well meaning, but this post is irresponsible because it gives no source whatsoever. Why are we all so gullible as to accept whatever is written as if came down off the mountain? Without a source this is meaningless. It would sound something like this: “an official close to the situation reported”; “…someone who was escorting the Rebbe spoke anonymously”, or better yet, an askan who was with the Rebbe would actually go on record to say something about what happened.The point is: The alleged facts must be attributed to a SOURCE.

    Without a source the news is either 1) gossip or 2) plagiarism.

    It’s about time this is brought out because pushing out headlines that are opinion or irresponsible reporting camouflaged as real news does the community no justice whatsoever in an attempt to offer more enlightenment or information.

    Of course, if we’re not concerned about any journalistic standards, that’s fine. Just call this Yeshiva World Gossip because it’s certainly not news.

  2. Why was he on the US Customs agents list?
    Why wasn’t the Gerrer Rebbe detained as well?
    How long does it take to answer a question?

  3. #2
    Why would anyone call that an ObamaNation…something bad happened in must be Obama’s fault…everyone knows that it was the Bush administration that heightened airport security and that is necessarily not a bad thing…why do all american yidden seam to be brainwashed by right-wing name calling…im not saying i support obama but you’re coming out of left field.

  4. #4
    I think your concern is misplaced why are you concerned about the sources of this story instead of the concern of the rebbes kovad .

    We live in A messed up world unfortunalty this is happening to us yidden all over the world.

    By the way there where 10 homeland security agents waiting for him they where working off an annonymous tip.

  5. #4, a little knowledge is dangerous.

    There’s no rule in journalism that requires that a reporter name or describe a source. Responsible news organizations require their reporters to have reliable, cross-checked sources. Naming the source (either by actual name or a description such as “an official with _____”) is only used to help the reader understand the veracity. It is entirely optional.

  6. Of course this is news and should be published. The real question here is one of these two: who tipped off the US Customs agents to interrogate the Rebbe or who planted this story on YWN? YWN, do some investigative journalism and update us please.

  7. #12..stop the anti zionist nonsense.. i highly doubt it has anything to do with that. if you want to go there, then blame the neturei karta nutcases for hating anybody that doesn’t vehemently hate the state of israel.

  8. I feel sorry for this guy who pulled off this prank on the rebbe. I am sure that he will be feeling hashems wrath before the year is up.

  9. #4???? does evrey source have a source so were do we start the ywn heard this from ppl involved with the rebbes arrangmentswho should they quete schmerel phephelcorn?

  10. Obviously, the Obama goverment again just wanted to embarress the Jewsish community, with mishandling one of our leaders.
    What a Shlmazel goverment. They could NOT find anything wrong. Any they dont have anything more serious to do.

  11. “…he was immediately taken by agents into a private room and hassled for more than an hour…”

    Use of the word “hasseled” reflects an anti-law enforcement bias and a baseless assumption that customs officials had no probable cause to search the rebbe.

    A proper area of concern is wondering what information was in customs’ posession, whether it was false, and if false who was the source. Don’t blame a law enforcement agency that in all likelihood was simply doing it’s job and nothing more.

  12. The TAY rebbe Must be A holy man these things only happen to holy people this man has dealt with his son in law being murderd in india earlier this year, the rav in his kehilla r’ meir brandsdorfer suddenly passing away his mosdos on verge of collapse etc.

    hashem makes it hard in this world only for real tzadikim so they have a clean slate after 120.

    hatzlocha rabba for the rebbe on this trip.

  13. Well guys, as the saying goes in yiddish, “Borscht darf men nisht kein tzein”!

    The TA”Y Rebbe Shlit”a has NO ENEMEIES whatsoever anywhere, in Israel or USA.

    You can easily figure out yourself which people would want to see him eliminated as a Rebbe!

  14. #17, you have boasted that you work for New York State law enforcement. Is there any information that you have that we don’t?

  15. IsraeliBachur – Why did they not stop the Gerrer Rebbe and the Toldot Aharon Rebbe? Also, please pay attention to what is going on with Israeli and Obama relations.

    As to your security comment: The security department does not know what they are doing. This is why there is less of a threat in America and more security and more of a threat in Israel and seemingly less security. A Rebba is not a person who would be doing anything wrong.

    Thanks for the opinion!

  16. Re #21 Not NYS Flatbush Bubby – another jurisdiction. And I am not boasting; it’s merely a job that gives me a perspective on certain stories, as a cook or chef might have a different perspective on certain kashrus issues.

    In this case I know no specifics -I do know that the law enforcement authorities know full well that a stop or search of a prominent person is going to be scrutinized closely, and that they generally will make quite sure that all ducks are lined up quite right before proceeding.

    My hunch in this case is that specific (if erroneous) information that the Rebbe was going to be transporting contraband of some sort was given to authorities by a source they deemed credible.

  17. #23 makes sense. They dont just go stopping people for nothing. Even if it was a baseless report, they must have heard something.

    btw, he came here to raise $$ I wonder how he will get that $$ into Israel. You are not allowed to bring unlimited amounts of cash back in. I wonder what will happen on his return…..

  18. just to clarify

    The Rebbe shlit”o was only detained for twenty minutes. He was asked repeatedly the same questions. A Port authority police official commented that they were working off an anonymous tip that they received before the Rebbe arrived.

    May heaven have mercy on this “person” for the pain that he has caused to this Adom Godol!!

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