Bloomberg Visits Hamodia Headquarters

blhe.jpgMayor Bloomberg paid a visit to the Brooklyn offices of the Hamodia Newspaper this morning, spending more than an hour-with the paper’s editorial board. NYC Councilman Simcha Felder attending the meeting as well, and the Mayor also had a closed-door meeting with Hamodia’s Editor-In-Chief, Mrs. Lichtenstein.

Just a few weeks ago Hamodia interviewed Bill Thompson, and earlier this week found itself the center of anti-Bloomberg sentiment after a letter to the newspaper used the “S” word [see YWN article by clicking HERE] – a derogatory Yiddish term referring to African-Americans that is considered by many non-Jews to be a racist term. No apology was ever printed in the Hamodia, not to mention the Chillul Hashem caused after the Daily News picked up on it, and ran an article on the story.

The Bloomberg campaign has been advertising in every print & on-line media publication available, besides for the Hamodia. This left many speculating if in fact the Hamodia was being pro-Thompson, or anti-Bloomberg.

Sources tell YWN that as a policy, the Bloomberg campaign does not grant interviews to newspapers unless they are giving the Mayor an endorsement. There was no endorsement issued by the Hamodia, which leaves one wondering what exactly the purpose of the meeting was.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

11 Responses

  1. “a derogatory Yiddish term referring to African-Americans that is considered by many non-Jews to be a racist term. No apology was ever printed in the Hamodia, not to mention the Chillul Hashem caused after the Daily News picked up on it, and ran an article on the story”

    what a transparently hateful, subjective, one-sided, anti-hamodia piece. well, guess what? they still are the first and only daily frum newspaper in english…

  2. Why are you so negative against Hamodia. Are you a Hack for the Yated. Yoy always find nice things to say about Rabbi Lipschitz and the paper. A wonderful site like yours, should try to be as even handed as they can.

    Referring to criticism if Mayor Bloomberg’s campaign spending, he has to spend a ridiculous amount of money for his campaign, Because New York City has the most ridiculous amount of Democrats nearly 80% versus republican. The deck is stacked against any Republican. In addition, NYC has over 65% minorities who vote as a block for a minority candidate, regardless who he/she is.

  3. If what the Hamodia reported was a chillul Hashem as you claim, then why are you publicizing it? Wouldn’t that just make the chillul Hashem bigger?! And why is this not a classic case of loshon hara/motzei shaim ra?

  4. I hate to say this, but EVERYBODY is taking this way out of context. This article that this word was used in was actually meant to PRAISE Thompson and for some reason the Hamodia published. (Read the article there is a copy in the Daily News) So in actually the point of using this word is what emphasized the point of the article and by you all saying that it was wrong to say that word your also are strengthening the article. The question is why would the Hamodia have an article pro Thompson, especially if this man is backed up by Al Sharpton, a KNOWN Anti Semite. It could be that they are afraid of the backlash later if Thompson does become Mayor or maybe they actually like him. Also if it is true that many in the Charedi community are not happy with Blumberg maybe the Hamodia is trying to pressure Blumberg to change his ways. Maybe that’s the reason why Blumberg met with Hamodia later. In any case, I did live in Brooklyn for 12 years and B”H now I have been living in Arsteinu Kodesh, Eretz Yisroel for the last 5 years and I don’t have to worry about this anymore. Who knows maybe the outcome of this election will bring more people to Eretz Yisroel, where we really belong.

  5. “The Bloomberg campaign has been advertising in every print & on-line media publication available, besides for the Hamodia.” Please do your homework. As recently as 3 Cheshvan, a full-page ad – paid for by Bloomberg for Mayor 2009 – appeared on the back page of section D.

  6. What on earh is this silly obsession YWN has with Hamodia?!

    I really didn’t expect it from am upstanding blog as YWN.

    For petty obsessions we already have another toilet bowl Blog, isn’t one enough?

    Sorry YWN, you’re really coming off pathetic with this.

    עס פאסט נישט!

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