Toeiva Marriage Vote In NY Back On Track

pat3.jpgGov. David Paterson says he wants to put a bill to legalize same-gender marriage to a vote within weeks during a special session of the Legislature.

The Democrat says the bill would be part of unfinished business from the regular session that ended this summer in a tumultuous power struggle in the Senate. The Democrat-led Assembly already approved its version of the measure.

Supporters have quietly been trying to rebuild a coalition of 32 senators needed to pass a bill in the chamber, which has a 32-30 Democratic majority.

Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos says there will be no formal GOP position on the bill. He says Republicans will be free to join the considerable, but not unanimous, support among the Democrats.

(Source: CBS2 HD)

16 Responses

  1. So fell the Greek and Roman Empires, and so will fall this hemshaich of malchus Edom, a.k.a. the United States of America. Countries can still stand when individuals do what is forbidden, but when the government declares that what is assur is now mutar, – then your fate is sealed.

  2. The Chutzpah of these Sodomites is breathtaking–Paterson, Bloomberg, Thompson–they all are, unashamedly for this Toeva–A special session, yet!

    Let’s all vote for the Conservative Party candidate, Stephen Christopher, who has made opposition to this Toeva a main theme of his campaign.

    That is the only way I can see to send a really effective message to the fools in Albany.

  3. Kevin Parker who represents a diatrict with a large population of orthodox Jews will vote in favor of the bill.It is a great chilul hashem especially since the frum community askanim led by Dov Hikind backed him over Simcha Felder.Then the same askanim wonder why frum people dont turn out to vote.I for one am frustrated that our askanim are always backing politicians who advocate positions totally opposed to our values.

  4. I agree with comment by bpark #7. I wrote to Hamodia about the ‘fair and balanced’ description they gave each of the candidates for comptroller after fully disclosing that of all only one was against this toeiva bill–and should have gotten unanimous, unequivocal support from the Orthodox community. They responded in an editorial with a pareve comment about ‘some’ rabbonim endorsing Heyer, while ‘other rabbonim’ felt differently. Who exactly these ‘other rabbonim’ were, who knows? Which rabbonim could possibly endorse a candidate with such views? It is truly a chillul HaShem, especially since the Christian right votes unamimously against these toeivah ‘rights’.

  5. People in NY MUST call and protest this bill. Tell your reps they are as good as gone in your book if they vote for this. If we dont call they will claim we didnt say anything. This way it takes away one of their poor excuses.

    These toayvaniks so want this to pass they dont want it to go to a vote of the people.

  6. I totally agree with #7 and #11.
    I also do NOT agree with comment #13. or at least with what it seems to be portraying. besides being a punishment golus is meant to be a constant test of our behavior there. it is up to us to do whatever we can to stand up for the truth and to stand up for values wherever we end up. this is one important chance for us to do that. we can not shirk that duty by saying “golus is a punishment”, and implying that we are passive recipients of this situation. we never know what we can actually succeed in changing, but we do know “ein atoh ben-chorin l’hibotel mimenoh”.

  7. Then they wonder why the economy is dead

    I’m not sure where it says, that people who are not erlich in these issues it causes to become poor r”l

  8. Joseph, I am amazed. When I blog something like you did about the governor, I am told that I am nasty. You blog on the truth. Why don’t you get attacked as much as me? Is it because the bloggers don’t like my sheitel style.

  9. Well, that’s the end of his tune. If it didnt fly in California, although I think there is a greater concentration of those who live such a way in NY, it won’t work in NY.

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