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PHOTOS: Bloomberg Visits Admorim of Skulen, Bobov & Munkach

bm.jpg(PHOTO LINK AT END OF ARTICLE) With just two weeks left to election day, Mayor Bloomberg visited Boro Park on Monday evening, to receive the Brachos (blessings) of some Chasidic Rebbes. Bloomberg first stopped at the Skulener Rebbe, then visited the Bobover Rebbe (Rav Mordche Dovid Unger), and finally the Munkatcher Rebbe.

The Mayor was warmly greeted by the Rebbes, who all gave him Brachos, wished him much Hatzlocha in the upcoming election, and said they look forward to another four years with Mayor Mike Bloomberg.

This was Bloomberg’s second visit to Boro Park in as many days. On Sunday the Mayor attended the 7th Annual Legislative breakfast hosted by The Jewish Community Council of Boro Park in honor of the Shearith Hapleitah-Holocaust Survivors.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for dozens of magnificent photos of Bloomberg visiting the Rebbes – taken by YWN photographer Hillel Engel.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. These visits are political in nature. I highly doubt the Mayor’s campaign staff would have entertained questions about his personal life.

  2. #1, everyone needs to upgrade their religious practice. It would be in poor taste approach Mayor Bloomberg to make him feel he is not “as good”.

  3. #5, That would be great, but at least, from what little I know, Bloomberg has derech eretz working for him. That is something we all need to work on and ensure from our family members 24/7.

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