Levaya Of The Krasna Rebbitzen A”H

candle96.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of the Krasna Rebbitzen A”H, (Rebbitzen Alta Shlima Lichtenstein) A”H, at the age of 97. She was the Rebbitzen of the Krasna Ruv, Hagon Rav Hillel Lichtenstein ZATZAL.

She is survived by her son, the Krasna Dayan, Hagon Reb Shmiel Lichtenstein Shlita, her son-in-law, the Kavunas Halev Rebbe Shlita, and her daughter who was married to Hagon Reb Yechiel Michel Hkohen Fried ZATZAL, the Krasna Ruv – who was Niftar a few years ago.

The Levaya will take place on Monday morning at 9:30AM in Bais Medrash Kavunas Halev, 1654 43rd Street in Boro Park.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

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