Simchas Bais Hashoeva Locations – Wednesday Night

sbh23.jpgYeshivas Grodna – Be’er Yaakov

Brisk Kolel – Yerushalayim

Yeshivas Pe’er Moshe – Yerushalayim

Yeshivas Tiferes Tziun – Bnei Brak

Yeshivas “Woolfsen” – Yerushalayim

Yeshivas Chevron Givat Mordechai – Yerushalayim

Zeh Lazeh org. in the Tamir Hall – Yerushalayim

Cong. Shaarei Tefilah together with the Passaic Clifton Community Kollel is hosting a Simchas Beis Hashoeva Wednesday, 3rd day chol hamoed at 8.30 with the participation of the Bostoner Rebbe (Flatbush) at 24 Crescent Ave, Passaic. Entrance through Shul succah.

The Kretchnef Rebbe will conduct the ‘Tish’ and ‘Calukas Lechem Leparnasa’ Tonite ‘Ushpiza D’Yosef followed by Simchas Bais Hashoevo 830pm at 118 Hooper St Williamsburg.

Mesivta of Lakewood Simchas Bais HaShoeiva TONIGHT, att the Capitol Hotel 325 7th Street @ 10:15.

Yeshiva South Fallsburg is taking place in Monsey at Yeshivas Meor Yitzchok with the attending of the Rosh Yeshiva Shlita.

Simchas Beis Hashoeva Congregation Beth Jacob – Atlanta, GA – 8:30 PM

Yeshiva Gedolah of Cliffwood, NJ (Rabbi Shimon Alster) – in Kahal Ateres Yeshaya, (Lakewood) Simchas Bais Hashoaiva Wednesday Night 8:30 PM

Wellesley Weston Chabad – Wellesley Hills, MA Tonight at 7:30 PM.

Bobov Rebbe – in the large Sukkah on 48th Street.

Munkatch Rebbe – In the large Sukkah on 14th Avenue.

Rav Avrohom Schorr – In The Sukkah on East 15th Street off Avenue L

Bobov Rebbe – on 15th Avenue

Satmar Rebbe (Kiryas Yoel & Williamsburg).

Skulen Rebbe in Boro Park

Chabad Lubavitch – Kingston Avenue.

Nickolsburg Rebbe – Monsey.

Stolin in Boro Park.

13th Avenue & 46th Street – in the Street.


As in the past five years, YWN will once again post the locations of as many Simchas Bais Hashoeva’s that we know of – along with a large album of Sukkos photos. Please help us by submitting your info to [email protected] Make sure to write which night, time, and location.

Feel free to submit any photos of interest from Sukkos – which will be posted each day on Chol Hamoed and then immediately after Simchas Torah. Photos can be sent to [email protected]. YWN will have multiple photographers in the USA & Eretz Yisroel working hard to bring you as many photos of Sukkos as possible, but please don’t hesitate to send us yours as well.

Click HERE to see YWN Sukkos 5769, HERE to see YWN Sukkos 5768, & HERE to see YWN Sukkos 5767.

Chag Kosher V’Sameach!

YWN Staff.

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