New York Senators Endorse Thompson For NYC Mayor

thomp.jpgMayoral candidate William Thompson was endorsed today by New York Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand in his run for mayor.

The senators announced their support for their fellow Democrat at an event in Union Square this afternoon.

The comptroller also got help from some of the city’s leading Democrats yesterday, who said personal support is more important than financial support.

“Over the next month, you may see people power overcome money power in a way you have never seen before,” said City Councilman Bill de Blasio, a frontrunner in the public advocate race.

The mayor is gaining more support, as well. Today he picked up the endorsement from the New York Hotel and Motel Trades Council, despite the union’s criticism of his successful bid to alter term limits.

(Source: NY1)

7 Responses

  1. GO Thompson Go! The Orthodox Jewish Community is fully behind you!
    Bloomberg will not get no 20% in our neighborhoods… I don’t care what the city wide polls show… I know what they say in SHUL… I haven’t met a person that says he will vote for Bloomberg…
    Well, after what Bloomberg made fun of our 30,000 letters to him… for the school vouchers… and he only extended it for 6 months… none of the parents who signed those letters will vote for Bloomberg…

  2. YES GO THOMPSON GO we have suffer Enough from the dictator bloomberg we paid enough high water bills we are flooded with enough tickets its time for change chuck is right .

  3. Hey, #2 & #3, you think that it will be better under Thompson? It absolutely amazes me how people think that a Democrat will be better. The biggest municipal union in the city has endorsed Thompson. Did any of you stop and think for a moment what that will cost us in higher taxes? Do you really think that a Democrat will lower taxes here in New York City? You people are just too much!

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