YWN Simchas Bais Hashoeva Listings – & Your Sukkos Photos

sukcov.jpgAs in the past five years, YWN will once again post the locations of as many Simchas Bais Hashoeva’s that we know of – along with a large album of Sukkos photos. Please help us by submitting your info to [email protected] Make sure to write which night, time, and location.

Feel free to submit any photos of interest from Sukkos – which will be posted each day on Chol Hamoed and then immediately after Simchas Torah. Photos can be sent to [email protected]. YWN will have multiple photographers in the USA & Eretz Yisroel working hard to bring you as many photos of Sukkos as possible, but please don’t hesitate to send us yours as well.

Click HERE to see YWN Sukkos 5769, HERE to see YWN Sukkos 5768, & HERE to see YWN Sukkos 5767.

Chag Kosher V’Sameach!

YWN Staff.

3 Responses

  1. can someone please tell me where some of the biggest simchas bais hashoavas are going to be? u know the ones that take up like 5 blocks & and have a billion people there

  2. Response to #1
    That will be Le’osid Lavo iy”H when the Beis HAmikdosh is rebuilt! May we merit that it be shoin, shoin, shoin, Yerushalayim Habnuyo and we all see it! This galus is much too long already!

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