More Arrests Expected In NYC Terror Plot

zazi.jpgNYC – A handful of men in the city are reportedly under heavy surveillance as possible associates to terror suspect Najibullah Zazi.

Law enforcement officials told the Associated Press today that investigators expect to make more arrests, but they say the men are no longer a threat since the plot was thoroughly disrupted.

Authorities have said three people traveled from the city to Denver over the summer and used stolen credit cards to help Zazi buy ingredients normally used in homemade bombs. They returned to the city, but have not been publicly accounted for.

Zazi pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction.

Zazi’s father and a Queens imam have pleaded not guilty to lying to federal officials. Neither faces terrorism charges.

(Source: NY1)

2 Responses

  1. Arrests are not enough. Water board then execute. Send a message to the other mutants out there who fancy themselves doing “justified” work at destruction of innocents who are not like them.

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