Polls Are Open Until 9pm. If We Vote, We Win

vote2.jpgNew York City – This weekend tens of thousands of yeshiva parents across New York City received a full-color heimishe mailing asking them to vote for Bill de Blasio for Public Advocate and David Yassky for Comptroller on “the day after yom kippur” – today! These mailings are part of an effort by the Parents & Children Political Action Committee, a group that is dedicated to using the political process to assist public and private school parents in receiving the maximum legal resources allowable under law. In regards to yeshiva parents, Parents & Children PAC are supporting three major initiatives this year: 1. Free yellow school bus service for all yeshiva children regardless of what time yeshiva ends. 2. Security funding for yeshivas to protect all yeshiva students. 3. Maximum resources for yeshiva children with special needs.

In an exclusive interview with Yeshiva World News this afternoon, David G. Greenfield, Esq., the spokesman for the group, explained that “Parents & Children’s political philosophy is simple – they put their money where their mouth is by supporting elected officials in New York that support both public and private schools. The reasoning is clear – every New Yorker regardless of where they go to school deserves a top-notch education.”

The decision to support  de Balsio for Public Advocate and Yassky for Comptroller was a “no-brainer” according to  Greenfield, “these two candidates have a history of going out of their way to support all children regardless of where they go to school, so Parents & Children went out of their way to support them.”

Greenfield concluded by imploring yeshiva parents to vote TODAY: “As of 7pm the voter turnout was at historic lows. Polls are open until 9pm. If we vote, we win by sending a clear message to the politicians that we matter,” Greenfield explained.

Editors Note: It’s not too late to vote today in this critical election! Please, go out and vote before 9pm!

(Moshe Altusky – YWN)

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