Baltimore Police Officer Shot In Heart of Jewish Community

csc.jpgAn off-duty Baltimore police officer was hospitalized Thursday night after being shot in the abdomen outside his Northwest Baltimore home during an attempted robbery, the Baltimore Sun reports.

Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the officer was entering his home in the Glen neighborhood shortly after 10:15 p.m. when three males armed with guns tried to rob him. A gun battle broke out, and the officer was shot multiple times, he said. The officer was not wearing a bulletproof vest, Guglielmi said.

The officer underwent surgery at Sinai Hospital. He was released from surgery at about 3 a.m. and remains in serious condition in the intensive care unit, Guglielmi said.

The officer’s name and assignment were not immediately available.

Sources tell YWN that two suspects have been taken into custody.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the officer and his family…

(Source: Baltimore Sun / YWN-MD03)

3 Responses

  1. First of all I wish the police officer a complete and speedy recovery. Second..I’ll go out on a limb here and say it wasn’t one of us doing the robbery or shooting…ummm let me guess which group they could be from…

  2. u must be from baltimore.. bec i have no idea what groups live there. i was actually thinking about that when i read the article. and just curious, is it jan 27th or dec 7th?

  3. #2 it’s neither my birthday or where I’m from. A little hint… 12786 is a zip code (look it up)from an area than I have a strong connection to. I think you missed the point of my comment and that was I was suggesting that certain other groups who have been a problem there and probably everywhere else are responsible for this shooting. I’m sure the editors of this site for the sake of discretion would rather I not come right out and say who exactly I am suggesting did this although I still stick with my original thoughts. Hope you get the point!

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