VIDEO: YWN Interviews Neturei Karta Outside United Nations


[VIDEO LINK AT END OF ARTICLE] At Thursday’s demonstration protesting the Iranian regime, members of the Neturei Karta were naturally there as well. Not that large of a group, but 2 dozen people can sure anger 10,000 people.

As people entered and exited the United Nations Plaza, words and shouting on both sides of the police barricades were exchanged.

YWN approached “Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, of Neturei Karta International”, and asked if we can interview him on video. He said ok.

We asked him 3 questions.

#1- Do you pray for the release of Jonathan Pollard from jail?

#2- If the president of Iran gets nuclear capabilities, do you believe that he would ever fire a nuclear weapon at Israel?

#3- Have you met with Ahmadinejad on his current visit to New York?

The first question seemed to take him off guard, and instead of getting a yes or no answer, we recieved a 2 minute speech about how Zionism is the cause of all problems. For the second question, he answered that Neturei Karta believes Zionism can cause anybody to kill Jews. And in the final question he simply smirked and said, “well, we’ll find out”.

Watch the 5 minute video to see his full responses.

VIDEO & PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for the video.

32 Responses

  1. Mr. YW Editor, I must give you a big compliment. You have more self control than me. I could not have been able to hold the video camera long enough to interview this dangerous hypocrite without laughing.

    I am very happy that I am sitting in front of a computer screen right now and watching this menace instead of seeing him in the flesh. I would not be able to hold back a punch right into this jerk’s fat nose!

  2. I’m surprised that YWN interviewed this meshuganah. Did you expect him to change his story in any fashion? At least he’s consistent. It’s YWN that doesn’t know what direction they should be taking. I’m also sure that you consulted Rabbonim before giving this interview. Shame on you for giving him the chance to be interviewed. You’re no different than the UN that gave the Iranian Rasha the floor to speak.

  3. YWN gives an open forum to every whacked out, over the top Tzioni who questions the Yiddishkeit of someone living outside of E”Y, yet it marginalizes the opposite end of the spectrum. What’s the pshat?

  4. Has YWN gone mad?!

    This what this nut-head has been dying for, some publicity in the frum world, now YWN gave it to him graciously on a golden platter.
    The Chilul Hashem they are creating is worse then Ahemdiajads nuclear threats.

    Please remove this post. The heimishe world has till now consistantly ostracized these nuts, now YWN is spoiling it!

  5. He belongs with Achmydinnerjacket! They are both sonai Yisrael! And don’t anyone say he is right about being agaist the “Zionists”. Plenty of gedolim have opposed “Zionism”, but you would NEVER find ANY of them shaking hands with scum like the Iranian “president”. By the way, there ARE words to describe this guy Weiss, (that YWN wouldn’t print) but “rabbi” is definitely NOT one of them!!!

  6. #4- No! YWN did a superb job. All he asked was for a yes or no answer to a simple question, and simply showed the masses what a true self-hating Jew this lowlife creep is.

    A Jew is rotting in prison, and he doesn’t Daven for his release?!

    Thanks YWN!

  7. This is so very sad. If anyone ever had a 1% part of their brain to be “don lecaf zechus” against these anti-semites, then that 1% is now gone.

  8. Why do u call him a rabbi?you should have told him to cut his payis off,put a “shmato” on his head and move to gaza with the people he loves!!!

  9. you just made his day 2 minutes of fame he is all smiles.when nazism came to europe was that the falt of zionism when the nazis killed my grand parents and family and all european jews was that all the falt of zionism? Y’SM Weiss he is no rabbi

  10. Al pi halocho if someone forges money or does other things which endannger the klal, you’re mechuyav to maser him. I think betraying America falls into that category. But even if it didn’t, why are you singling out pollard? why should anyone daven for him more than for all the heimishe yidden in ottersville? because he spied for the zionist state instead of just cheating on taxes?

  11. I actually beleive that this weiss dude is an agent of the revolutionary gaurd planted in the usa.

    he should be deported from the usa, and not permitted into israel.

    let him move to……you guessed it. iran

  12. What kind of “bubby” would punch another yid in the nose even if the man is a Rasha?

    I sure hope her grandchildren are well behaved kids

  13. First of all, I would be interested in his opinion on the “ingathering of exiles” before Moshiach comes. If he doesn’t believe in a state of Israel, how will that happen?

    Also, it is one thing to be against zionism – it is quite another to proclaim it proudly and side with a rasha who wants to wipe out all the Jews (does he think that Achmydinnerjacket (love that!) is interested in geography??)

    Good Shabbos all.

    Can all the above posters disagree with him regarding the Zionist regime being built on anti Torah values?
    Has the “medina” been true to G-d in any way shape or form?
    When was the last KIDUSH HASHEM that has been created through the “Medina”?
    Has the up-rise of Zionism caused additional anti-Semitism and bloodshed?
    I ask you all ONE question:

  15. I loved the quotation marks in your article. Well placed. I was at the rally and I did feel like spitting at these resha’im who spit on the kedoshim from WWII. It amazes me what people do to get their 15 minutes of fame. They should remember that at the end, the capos were also killed by the Nazis.

  16. Did you read the signs in the background? “Judaism demands subservience to all nations, USA, Iran, etc.”

    That’s some sign. What village in Europe are these idiots from? I wonder how much this guy learns, considering he’s running all around protesting Jews…

  17. Thank you YWN for bringing understanding to those who dont know what NK is about!! Way to go Rabbi Yisroel Dovid you stand out there and show the world.

  18. did anyone here realize that the entire time he is talking he is looking up and to the right or just to the right, or to the viewer left.

    this means he is constructing this stuff in his head, and is lying through his teeth. he actually knows that he is wrong, yet spews this narishkyt anyhow.

  19. why are you all in the forum so quick to jump on this fellow although admittedly he is probaly not taking advice from gedolei torah but you are so ok with the zionists – do u not realize that the tziyonim are sonei hashem sonei hatorah and in their “merit” we are sitting in galus shame shame on those who identify more closely with mechalelei shabbos, apikorsim tziyonim than with one of our own brothers who may be making tactful mistakes on how to fight the zionist reshaim – and for those of you who think im fanatical just take a look at rav reuvein grozovskis rightup on the topic everything i write i borrowed from him

  20. sorry number 30.. but ppl like this man are sonai yisroel , sonai hatorah etc etc..

    I can understand your sentiments about the starters of the state but the ones who run the state are pure tinokei shenishba..

  21. #30 how right you are, BUT go to….EDITED BY MODERATOR…..and check out the video from Reb Ammnon Yitzchak where he puts everything in perspective.

    (Was posted in 2006 by YWN)

    Its one thing to be anti Zionism (which we should all be) but its another thing to go and hug the Hitlers of today and lend them moral support.

    Another point.
    When the twin towers were brought down, it killed a jew from Monsey (among others) I dont remember hearing that HE had strong Zionistic views. If you or anyone else beleives that this hatred of Israel is a war against Zionism, then here is a History lesson.
    1) Hebron 1926, over 20 years before the state.
    2) 9/11
    3) london 7/7
    4) all terror attacks accross the world. Mumbai, Bali, Tanzania, Nairobi.

    I strongly suggest that you watch “Obsession”

    Lastly, when the Arabs start raining down bombs, they arent gonna not drop them on NK’s heads, they will go after you the same they want to kill EVERY JEW. (as I saw someone write, the nazis killed the kapos when they didnt need them anymore)

  22. vusizzicherizzicher posted:

    “Can all the above posters disagree with him regarding the Zionist regime being built on anti Torah values?”

    I am not one of the above posters, but I can sure disagree with that statement.

    “Has the “medina ”been true to G-d in any way shape or form?
    When was the last KIDUSH HASHEM that has been created through the “Medina”?”

    How many do you want? How about all of the Torah institutions that have been built and supported with money from all Israelis–religious and secular?

    How about our ability to visit any number of m’komot kedusha without fear for our lives?

    How about the hospitals built–hospitals which regularly save lives of Jews of all sorts–including Hareidim who do not believe in or support the State and its institutions?

    Would you like more?

    “Has the up-rise of Zionism caused additional anti-Semitism and bloodshed?”

    It is easy to blame Zionism for antisemitism and bloodshed. People like Hamas and Hezbollah do it all the time. However, violence against the Jewish population in E”Y occurred before Herzl’s time, and violent antisemitism has been present throughout the ages, when there were no attempts for mass immigration to E”Y. Haven’t you ever actually read the Kinot that you say on Tisha b’Av? Have you heard of towns like Worms and Mayence? Have you heard of Chmelnitzki?

    “I ask you all ONE question:


  23. to number 30-

    The Zionists are “sonei Hashem”?
    “sonei Hatorah”?
    “mechalelei shabbos”?

    /sarcasm on/ What ahavat Yisrael you show. /sarcasm off/

    And thank you for blaming us for your “sitting in galus”. I wonder–why do you think that Am Yisrael was sitting in galut for centuries before the Zionist movement was established?

    Allow me to offer a different hypothesis about your “sitting in golus”. Let’s call it sinat chinam. And you show plenty of evidence for it in your post.

  24. As much as most people can’t stand it – the Neturei Karta are right. I wholeheartedly agree wth the anti-Zionist views expressed by #23 and #30. It’s sad that Jews are so focused these days on rationalizing and defending the State of Israel when it causes Chilulei Hashem on an inconceivable level on daily basis.

    Is it a kiddush Hashem when Israel is causing misery and death to the Palestinians. Yes, I’ve heard all the arguments back and forth – the Palestinians did this and the Palestinians did that and they support terrorism – and Israel doesn’t? The Zionists haven’t been the primary provocators?

    The “tinokei shenishba” regarding the Zionists leaders is such as cop-out response – they know exactly what they are doing – have access to all the information they could ever want about yiddishkeit and lie through their teeth and responsible for endless suffering to Jews and Non-Jews – all in order to maintain control of the land. If you doubt this, then you obviously don’t know much about the history and especially the “dark” aspects of what Zionism has been responsible for. Read Min Hametzar by Rav Weissmandl or, on the secular side, Perfidy by Ben Hecht or countless other stories of what Zionists have done to “their fellow Jews”.

    People are blinded by their hatred for the Neturei Karta because they take a difficult position which people can’t deal with – the emes – and, as is human nature, the truth is extremely hard to face and accept. The problem isn’t with the Arabs, the problem is the State.

    It’s sad that such a small proportion (perhaps 10%) of the comments on the “Yeshiva” world – which should be representing the Yiddushkeit and Torah first – show so much support for the State and so much hatred for the NK. Yes, I’m sure the first rationalization that comes to mind is that by vilifying NK you are put Torah and Yiddishkeit first – the problem is, that isn’t true.

    To address some of the rationalizations by “starwolf”:

    1. The question was asked – When was the last KIDUSH HASHEM that has been created through the “Medina”?”

    You responded: How about all of the Torah institutions that have been built and supported with money from all Israelis–religious and secular?

    The reality: The State of Israel can’t buy themselves out of an avayroh. Just because much of the Torah world has now rationalized that the State is doing wonderful things for Torah because they’ve become dependent on the State and enjoy the funding it gives for Torah Institutions doesn’t change the fact that State of Israel is the complete antithesis of Torah. Apparently, people are able to ignore that fact, as long as the State keeps giving money to Yeshiva’s. So if someone robs a bank and then gives that money to Yeshiva’s are they right – should they be able to get away with it? Giving money and supporting Torah and Yeshiva’s is not a defense for the State – it’s just rationalization.

    Of course the same answer applies to the rationalizations regarding visiting “m’komot kedusha” and the building of hospitals. Just because you want something doesn’t mean you have the right to just take it – the emes apparently is very hard for people to face.


    No – it never has been.

    To address one other point made earlier by a different poster regarding 9/11, Hebron, etc…

    It’s very clear that the vitriol directed toward Jews by the Arab world is a DIRECT result of Zionism. Pro-Zionists ignore the obvious and just claim all Arabs hate Jews and that’s why things are the way they are in Eretz Yisrael. Ok, so ignore the obvious – sending a missile into a city and killing half-a-dozen children along with woman and other civilians wouldn’t provoke hatred or suicide bombings??? This has been going on for decades – of course there’s hatred, what does one expect?

    The US’s blind support for the State of Israel, no matter what it does – you don’t think that would trigger enough hatred to cause 9/11. Osama Bin Laden has made it clear that this blind support for Israel is a large part of motivation for committing 9/11. Osama is of course a mass-murderer – but don’t ignore the obvious – Zionism and support for it is breeding this hatred.

    Regarding “Hebron 1926” – it actually happened in 1929 – and while pro-Zionists love to cite this event – they don’t know or ignore the fact that, Rabbi Boruch Kaplan, who was actually there during the massacre and survived, squarely blames the Zionists for provoking the incident – (the Neturei Karta have an audio recording of an interview with Rabbi Boruch Kaplan on their website if you wish to hear this first hand). Additionally, many Jews were saved by Arabs who brought them into their homes during the massacre. The Arabs who killed were murderers and should rot in gehenom for eternity. The point is that Zionism is the basis for this hatred and so much suffering by Jews and Non-Jews – the Jewish world and in fact the whole world will be a much better place when Zionism and the State no longer exist.

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