Poll: Bloomberg Holds 16-Point Edge Over Thompson

blomth2.jpgMayor Bloomberg holds a whopping 16-point lead over Democratic challenger Bill Thompson, according to a new poll released today.

Despite new TV ads, Thompson has been denied a bounce just a week after his Democratic primary victory and trails Bloomberg, 52 to 36 percent, among likely city voters, according to a Quinnipiac University poll.

Conservative Party candidate Stephen Christopher has just two percent; nine percent remain undecided, the poll found.

“William Thompson, fresh from a big Democratic primary win, got no post-primary bounce in his campaign to unseat Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He has a 16-point mountain to climb and less than six weeks to do it,” said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

“And while Thompson is climbing that mountain, Bloomberg is rolling huge rocks, in the form of a multi-million-dollar media blitz, down on his head.”

Mayor Bloomberg — an independent who will run on the Republican line in November — leads Thompson 75 to 12 percent among GOP voters and 61 to 25 percent among independents.

Democrats split evently — 46 to 46 percent — when asked who they favored, according to the poll.

(Source: NY Post)

One Response

  1. An Independent Politician = NOT accountable to anyone.
    And that’s why he got in to a fight with all our community leaders over Yeshivah funding.

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