Vaad Ha’ir Protests Opening Of YMHA Shabbos

Shabbos.jpgThe following statement was given to YWN by the Vaad Ha’ir of Montreal today, in protest of the opening of the YMHA on Shabbos:

For decades, the Montreal Jewish community, an amalgam of all sorts of Jews, lived together in an atmosphere of harmony and mutual respect, despite the outward differences between us.

Though there were some issues that divided the various segments in the community, there were more that united it. Shabbat was one of those unifying issues.

The “YM-YWHA” was established “for the purpose of developing young men physically,
mentally, and morally” and is “proud of its Jewish identity.” Their stated mission is “to be a
central force in the Jewish community, responsive to the needs of its individuals and families, by providing, in a Jewish ambiance, quality services that promote the social, cultural, recreational, physical and intellectual needs of our members and users.”

The Y has now announced that they plan to open on Shabbat.

We are not as angry as much as hurt. It is saddening that the leadership of the Y, our brothers, carriers of those very same sacred responsibilities as us, is deaf to the call of maintaining our tradition and of having the Y closed on Shabbat.

We protest this blatant violation of the Holy Shabbat.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. The facts are that the vast majority of Jews who belong to Y’s and JCC’s are notShomrei Mittzvos or Shomer Shabbos. Noro we give them any meaningful contributions.

    Whyshould we be surprised when tey decide to accomodate the 98-99% of their membership that actually use the place

  2. In a report by the JCC Association, an umbrella group of JCCs in North America, demographic data showed that the greatest determining factor in a JCCs policy whether to open on Shabbat was the strength of a community’s Orthodox Jewish population. New York City with the highest rate of Orthodox Jews has the lowest rate of JCCs open on Shabbat (15%). It is therefore completely unacceptable that Montreal’s YM-YWHA disregard the voice of one of the most traditional Jewish communities in North America, with over 90% of Montreal’s shuls being orthodox, and force upon us this new policy.

    Furthermore, Michael Crelinsten, Executive Director of the YM_YWHA of Montreal, says that “the community has changed and continues to change.” The Jewish General Hospital of Montreal continues to serve everybody kosher food even though the vast majority of its patients today are goyim. This is because the Jewish General recognizes what the Y does not; its role and obligation as a communal institution to see to it that Jewish ritual be maintained.

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