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Oorah Vandalized While Making Lulavim/Esrogim Packages

ov.jpgLakewood, NJ – Oorah’s facilities were broken into and vandalized last night. While windows were smashed and property was destroyed, the thousands of lulavim and esrogim that Oorah volunteers were preparing as part of its kiruv work were left unharmed.

“It was miraculous,” said Yehudah Meth, company spokesman. “We walked in this morning to a scene out of Kristallnacht-shattered glass everywhere, pallets turned over, walls smashed. but there were our beautiful lulavim and esrogim unharmed. We were profoundly relieved because there are thousands of individuals that would not be able to bench lulav and esrog if we did not provide them.”

Lakewood Police detectives are investigating the break-in. In the mean time, Oorah’s staff and volunteers are moving the lulavim and esrogim to safer quarters that will be under constant surveillance. “The most important thing is that we get these packages out on time to the Jews who rely on us,” said Meth. “We’ll clean up and the glass and effect repairs along the way, but the mitzvah is our greatest concern.”

(Linchos Hisiger – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. What a chutzpa to compare petty vandalism to Kristallnacht. They didn’t burn down your facility, they didn’t drag your executives to jails by their beards, they didn’t even touch your precious fruit and tree branches – let alone any holy objects. Nobody was hurt.

    I’m sick enough of hearing Goyim compare every little misdeed to Nazis – hearing it from a frum man is over the top.

    I’m very sorry for the damage and the vandalism that Oorah suffered. I know that it is a very distressing event, and the feeling of violation is terrible. I’m glad that they didn’t lose the lulavim and esrogim.

  2. Squeak, Bugnot — Apologies! I didn’t mean to compare this is any way to Kristallnacht. But when I walked in this morning and saw broken glass everywhere (which no pictures can do justice to) it naturally conjured those images. This was serious, malicious damage which has to be seen to be believed.

    I don’t believe this was an attempt to steal money; it was an attempt to destroy.

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