VIDEO: Fooling Our Rabbonim Again: Lowlife Politicians & Their Frum Supporters

levin.jpg[VIDEO LINK BELOW] The following statement & video regarding this weeks NYC elections, was sent to YWN by Rabbi Yehuda Levin:

“Once again our Rabbonim and community are being fooled by politicians like John Heyer (who supports civil unions which is de-facto same gender marriage). That’s why we are calling on all Torah Observing Jews to stay home and don’t vote. Whether it’s Mark Green or David Weprin, each candidate on every level without exception supports some sort of anti-family values legislation which is inimical to our Torah way of life.”

YWN VIDEO LINK: Click HERE for the video.

35 Responses

  1. The rabbanim are hardly fools. If supporting a politician helps us in matters that are important, then who cares what they say in matters that are less important. When one considers that such issues as abortion and same-gender “marriage” have no direct impact on frum Jews (we really do don’t such things, anyways), the rabbanim may be right in making a calculated political decision.

    Would it be better to insist on only supporting candidates who support our position on various symbolic issues pertaining to the goyim’s (and secular Jews) intimate behavior, and instead have a government that goes out of its way to harass our community. Part of deriving the benefits of American society, is learning how to play politics with them, and the fact is our rabbanim have done an excellent job at manipulating the goyish politicians. No frum community for the last 2000 years has had it so good.

    Yesher Koach to the rabbanim.

  2. Not voting has to be about the least inteligent thing to suggest. Perhaps “Rabbi” Levin should stay with his learning and let the rest of us live in the real world.

  3. “John Heyer is the lone candidate to oppose abortion and same-gender marriage, support tax breaks for private school tuition, and oppose Superfund. He said he’d focus on “quality of life issues” and is courting support in the Orthodox Jewish community in Borough Park.” – New York Daily News 9-3-09

  4. Harav Wolfson writes a letter of support for Mr. Heyer but YWN wont publish it because it does not confirm with their viewpoint, some Rabbi Levin they found! and what a beautiful headline and degrading title for our askanim!! how becoming of a heimish news outlet!!!

  5. As levin shook hands with holocaust denier and anti semite buchanan he should be allowed to make any public statements regarding jewish matters. Yeshivah world should definitely not post what he says.

  6. ditto to two. (btw, if ya wanna roll over laughing/crying get a hold of the ny primary literature and read the blurbs about the mayoral candidates.)

  7. I could not disagree more with R’ Levin. The problem is that not enough of us in the frum community vote! The more we vote, the more of a voice we have in local government. If we all refrain from voting, just watch the politicians ignore the Jewish community and our needs! Forget about tuition vouchers and other issues vital to us. Why should they listen to us if we don’t vote? Voting = Political Influence. Everyone, please vote!

  8. I find it very interesting that this self styled leader has the chutzpah to question choshuv Rabbinim who have met with candidates. Votes show the elected officials the voting strength of the community and help get government funds allocated to programs that serve our community.

    While we can’t expect candidates to agree with us on all issues it is important to vote in each and every election. Perhaps, Rabbi Levin, who ran for Congress years ago will again seek elective office and appeal for our votes in the future.

  9. I guess it comes down to, what is the purpose of voting. If the purpose of voting is to show the type of person who we as the Jewish People support than R’ Levin is correct. How could we support a person who believe in such to’eivah? It would be a chillul HaShem to support a person with such values.

    However, if the point of voting is to have the person who will best help the Jewish community in a powerful position, then the fact that we don’t agree on every single issue is moot. Who cares if he believes in the to’eivah, if by us voting, Yeshivos and other Jewish communal issues will be in a better position, then that is our responsibility, regardless of how much of an apikorus or rasha the candidate is.

    It seems that R’ Levin believes in the first way, because if one follow his line of reasoning, we won’t be supporting a rashah, but at the same time we won’t be affecting who has an impact on the Jewish community.

  10. I, Rabbosai, am also a very choshuve Rov, no small Tzaddik, and my Rebbe z”l is also not alive…
    So you would all be wise in listening to my words of wisdom. Do not listen to any self- proclaimed, publicity seeking prophets!
    Except for myself, of course.

  11. We’re really not here to run America. How many policeman and where to put the traffic lights is not really a Jewish issue. Abortion and toevah are supreme court and congressional issues that we are not going to dictate. The Jews here have never marched or protested or rallied in mass numbers against these issues anyway. All we need is someone to get us tuition credits and
    a pro-israel position and someone who is fanatically obsessed with yeshiva and shul security from terrorists plus someone who will do all that it takes to obtain a few blocks of coastline so the frum can cool off in the summer heat. What other issues are bothering you?

  12. When Noach was warning the world about a flood coming everyone thought the man was nuts.

    Rashi states that the reason why Noach was called a tzadik was in comparison to others and therfore he was a tzadik in his generation.

    Rabbi Levin is a talmud of Rabbi Miller Zt”L. Rabbi Miller is a rov and is smart to utilize all forms of communication to warn us and get the word out about the evil we face in today’ world we live in.

    For people to make fun of Rabbi Levin I would say that he is lehavdil our Noach in today’s time.

    Some of you will understand and some of you will not but in my humble opinion Rabbi levin has the guts to go against the grain and the shmutz.

    Either your with the Shmutz or your not against the shmutz. Rabbi Levin should coninue to be there for us and inspire us and not give up the fight against the shmutz and may everyone reading this post have a kesiva vchasima tova and a gut gebenchedteh yur.

  13. ALWAYS VOTE! If you dont vote, you dont put your hishtadlus in, then you have no reason to complain about the candidates. Pick the lesser of the two evils, whomever YOU decide that is, and VOTE! It is your constitutional right, men have died to protect that right. Vote- or I dont want to read your complaints in here again. I have, even when I am away from my home I vote- absentee. DO IT!!

  14. Anytime you base the whole torah around one mitzva or aveira and become obsessed with it you lose sight of the thruth. You can end up shaking hands with Ahmadinejad.

  15. its chodesh ellul and needs to be careful of what one writes however i feel compelled to answer this so called rabbi levin – i liked to know who oh who has made him in to this big tas torah that clams to be – who authorizes him to b’shmus other robanim
    does he feel he knows all – he and all of us should be grateful to many of the politicians that he so ranks out – little to people know how these individuals have helped make the life of frum jews easier – yes easier in our country – the medina shel chesed , rabbi levin refers to these rabbonim and individuals as lekers – nice jewish word , maybe he ought to think back to his early days when he tried & thank god was unsuccessful in running for political office. rabbi levin claims to be a talmid of the saintly gaon HaRav Avigdor Miller TZ”L – who was a firm believer in many of the issues as they relate to true yehadis – but does he really believe that his Rebbi would of acted the way he does – i really doubt that . rabbi levin you call yourself a rabbi a talmid of one the greatest rabbonim to have graced this country lets start acting a such

  16. Rav Levin was doing all the same things he is doing now, during his Rebbe Rav Avigdor Miller ZTV’L lifetime, with Rav Miller’s full 100% haskoma.

  17. … That is Rav Levin follows current Daas Torah.

    Did you call him and ask your questions (as have I)? He is easily reachable by telephone. Or were assumptions simply made?

  18. You bet he is easily reachable by telephone- thats because nobody calls him ( except holocaust denier Buchanan) becasue nobody is really interested in hearing what he has to say

  19. With all due respect to Rabbi Levin, clearly his take on how we should relate to the secular government of golus-America is in conflict with the vast majority of Orthodox leaders, both of the present and past generations.

    Baruch Hashem, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, shlita, (of Agudath Israel) has issued a statement reminding us that we need to “consider the privilege of voting in our malchus shel chesed to be of great importance for our community.” This is the voice we need to listen to. Rabbi Levin’s advice is, sadly, misguided and detrimental to the interests of Klal Yisrael while we remain in our American golus.

    The Far Rockaway Jewish Alliance has endorsed the following candidates:

    Mayor: Bill Thompson, Comptroller: David Weprin Public Advocate: Mark Green; For Queens Borough President: Helen Marshall

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