Thousands Heading From Eretz Yisroel to Uman for Rosh Hashanah

uman.jpgMany people will be leaving Eretz Yisrael this week ahead of Rosh Hashanah. One of the most popular destinations is Uman, the Tzion of Rav Nachman. According to data provided from charter services flying people directly from Tel Aviv to Kiev, they have already sold 12,355 tickets. They add there is still a demand and efforts continue to arrange additional flights.

Travel agents add there are also many thousands flying via other countries, not using the direct charter flights, making stopovers in Istanbul, Moscow, Prague, Budapest, Riga, Warsaw and Hungary. They usually wait a number of hours and then continue to their final destination, Uman, thereby saving up to 50% on the cost of the ticket.

Over 1,000 people have already left but the crunch will come on Wednesday and Thursday.

The daily HaMevaser reports record numbers of ticket purchases in Europe and the United States as well, reporting mispalalim will be making their way to the Tzion from 74 different countries.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. “If people can afford to do this in thousands, who are those that come collecting for basic daily needs?”

    THose who are not collecting.

    B”H, Klal Yisroel numbers in the millions, with close to a million who are shomer shabbos. (agav, many 1,000’s who go to the tziyun of Rebbe Nachman zy”a are not ‘yet’ shomer shabbos.)

    If you would be in Uman for Rosh haShono you would understand what all the fuss is about too.

    “ta”amu u’ru” says DOvid haMelech. Certain things are indescribable in words, they just gotta be experienced. Just like l’havdil, you cannot explain the beauty of the Grand Canyon etcc. so too you cannot explain something beatiful ruchniyus. Dry comparisons between one makom kodosh and another betray a lack of understanding of what it means to be in a makom kodosh.

    but in any ccase – here is a shot – with all of the kedusha of the Bais haMikdosh – even if I had experienced that – I would still very much want to be a part of Ma’amud Har Sinai. They are two different things altogether.

    With all of the kedusha of the Kosel as it stands- I would still like to be there with a Bais haMikdosh standing AND klal Yisroel comeing together k’ish echod b’lov echod for the sole purpose of drawing from kedushas hamokom.

    because you were at the kosel you should not go to the siyum haShas and be a part of 10,000’s of yidden learning and davening together?

    Uman on ROsh HaSHonoh is a m’eyn of Ma’mud Har Sinai and Aliya l’regel in this regard and much more powerful than the Siyum hsShas. this is aside from the tikkun nefesh one recieves by being there. But since tikkun nefesh is unfortunately something many people do not understand and/or accept and would require many hakdomos to explain this aspect of LITERALLY all elements of Klal Yisroel coming together for one purpose to come closer to Hashem (and each other and to the Torah) just like Ma’amad Har Sinai and ALiya l’Regel is something that everyone who yearns for Ahavas andYiras Hashem and Ahavas Yisroel can understand and should not miss.

  2. Regarding your taanah that lo nahago ken…
    Breslover Chassidus is over 200 years old and their Rabbeim and ancestors have been going to Uman for R”H for since 1811.
    That’s before the Mussar movement was established, before the Brisker derech was taught, before Kotz-Ger, before Sanz, and before most derachim that are popular today in Yiddishkeit.
    In Pninei HaKehilas Yaakov, the Steipler warns at least in two places not to belittle Breslov (yes, Breslov) about their traveling to Uman, beacause “they have their derech and mesorah”

  3. #1 I here what you are saying and I’m sure you mean well but first do your research. There is a lot in Breslover Seforim (Chaye Mohoran, Sichos Haran and others) discussing what its all about. Its not just another “trip” rather a very big avoda.there is so much involved and the ruchniusdik preperations for even some of the “poshuta” people is quite intense.if you knew the hachanos they do for RH you would think they are tzadikim (maybe they really are).

    If you you want to say there are better things to do with the money, first, it is assumed that everyone gave at least maaser to tzedaka.If you stillsay that the money should be still used for better thing, where do you draw the line? Should no one paint their house? That surely costs more than a trip to Uman (which could be done for under a thousand dollars all in). Maybe no one should lease cars?

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