Free Food Distribution at the Boro Park JCC in Their new and Spacious Location

ah.bmpIn light of the difficult economic situation the Boro Park Jewish Community Council is distributing free Honey and Apples Lecoved Yom Tov for all needy families in the community. In addition a beautiful knapsack filled with expensive school supplies will be raffled off every single day for those who come up to apply for new Food Stamps or Medicaid, or recertify their existing Food Stamps or Medicaid.

Due to increased demands for services the Boro Park Jewish Community Council moved to a large, new, and spacious facility to better serve the community. Their offices are located on the third floor of the “Y” building, at 4912 14th Ave, an elevator building which makes it wheelchair and baby carriage accessible.

The BPJCC well known, expert and professional staff continues their impeccable service with no waiting and prompt service. They quickly and efficiently handle section 8, immigration, home health aide, and home attendant services. The BPJCC advises to come in now to re-certify your Medicaid, Medicare, Food Stamps and a host of other social services and entitlements and beat the Yom Tov rush.

Lost you job? They can help! Their professional job developer will guide you through your job search by assisting you with resume writing and other steps towards finding your new job. The Boro Park Jewish Community Council is looking forward to serving you in their new and spacious location the third floor of the “Y” building, at 4912 14th Ave.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Thank you Boro Park Jcc for your hard work we really appreciate all you do!! The fair on Sunday was amazing the kids had a blast!
    Wish you alot of mazal and bracha
    Happy New Year

  2. may you have much continued success in your avodas hakodesh!!! in the zechus of such organizations that help klal yisroel may we be zoche to a shnas geulah veyeshua amen!!

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