PHOTOS: 2nd Alarm Fire in Flatbush Shul – UPDATED

32.jpg.JPG8:40PM EST: (Click HERE for photos) The FDNY is currently at the scene of a large fire involving a few structures – including a Shul at 2917 Avenue J at the corner of East 29th Street.

The FDNY Battalion Chief has ordered a 2nd Alarm response to the scene due to heavy fire, and numerous Flatbush Hatzolah ambulances have been dispatched to the scene.

The fire is currently burning inside Rabbi Rabinowitz’s Shul (K’hal Zichron Aryeh Leib), Kaff’s Bakery and Wolf’s Grocery and another business.

As of this posting, the FDNY is removing the Sifrei Torah from the Shul, and the fire is still burning.

A YWN reporter and photographer are on the scene, and photos will be posted shortly.

UPDATE 9:50PM EST: The fire has been placed under control at this time. The Shul has minimal damage (smoke etc), but Kaff’s Bakery & Wolf’s Grocery have extensive damage.

(Moshe Altusky – YWN)

10 Responses

  1. I was just by the fire. I saw the flames I watched them rush the sifrei Torah out. Wolf’s Grocery was unfortunatly totalled. I’m not exactly sure what happened to the shul and the other businesses.

  2. you are making an error–those stores are on Ave K and East 29–please correct. that location on AVe J has an apartment building.

  3. This is massive. Its a real pity. i used to go to wolfs all the time. I hope the shul and the people; if there are people in there, are ok.

    I got here not too long ago. driving around and around the blocks trying to find a space. there were fire trucks every where and flashing lights from east 29 to east 31st.

    I saw they had a ladder or cherry picker of some sort going into the apartment above wolfs at the time. Id be very curious to know how this started…

  4. In reality, Hatzolah removed the Sifrei Torah and placed them in the Bais Medrash across the street from the fire, only smoke damage to R’ Rabinowitz’s Shul, some smoke and minor damage to bakery also but should be reopened in time for shabbos, Wolf’s totally burned out and even roof collapsed in, total building burned. no other structures affected and Inspector determined the cause was electrical in nature.

  5. The block (the northern side of Ave. J between E. 29th St. & Nostrand Ave.) has a building on the corner of E29th St. followed by an alley, R’Yosef Rabinowitz’s shul (Khal Zichron Aryah Leib), Wolf’s Grocery, Kaff’s bakery, (the former) Place Deli & Grill, and, finally, Number One Chinese Kitchen on the Nostrand Ave. corner of the block.

    Here is a URL to a Google Maps street view of the store (if the link is not live, copy and paste it into the Address box of your browser):,+11210&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=13.02816,63.896484&ie=UTF8&ll=40.626711,-73.947459&spn=0.001443,0.002411&z=19&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=40.626724,-73.947333&panoid=UQX54W5paeDcauEyBpwQ9A&cbp=12,358.77,,0,2.7

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