Port Authority Offering Up WTC Rubble For 9/11 Memorials

911.jpgThe Port Authority is offering up its World Trade Center rubble for September 11th memorials around the country.

The agency will invite towns and cities to ask for pieces of debris as part of an effort to give more of it away.

The Port Authority filled about two-dozen requests for debris in the past year, with a dozen more still pending.

There are about 2,000 pieces ranging in size available, though carting expenses will have to be picked up by the recipient.

The rubble does not include approximately 200 iconic pieces that will be displayed at the planned National September 11th Memorial Museum.

The debris is currently being stored at an 80,000 square foot hangar at JFK Airport.

Friday marks eight years since the terrorist attack.

(Source: NY1)

One Response

  1. “that will be displayed at the planned National September 11th Memorial”


    Almost ten years later and still no memorial.

    Sorry guys, the terrorists won. We still can’t get our act together ten years later.

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