Williamsburg Shomrim Apprehend Cleaning Lady For Stealing Jewelery

wspu.jpgThe following is a NY Post report:

Jolanta Uscilowska, 47, allegedly swiped thousands of dollars in diamond bracelets, diamond earrings, gold chains and rings from a Williamsburg apartment where she worked.

At 1:40 p.m. Thursday, the homeowner, a 29-year-old woman, spotted Uscilowska leaving her bedroom with a plastic bag containing the jewelry in the apartment on Flushing Avenue near Marcy Avenue, police said.

The victim quickly called the Williamsburg Shomrim patrol, a volunteer watchdog group.

A Shomrim patrolman responded and confronted Uscilowska, who allegedly tossed the jewelry at him and pleaded, “I don’t want any problems. I just want to leave.”

The volunteer held her until cops came and busted her for grand larceny.

22 Responses

  1. #1: Have you never heard of the concept to be “dan lekaf zchus”? What do you know about the circumstances of that lady? Why be so critical? Think of the age-old advice my parents always taught me: If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. May you have a nice day and a year with only “Ayin Tovah”

  2. to #1 – why do you care why she needed the cleaning lady? That was not the point of the story. B”H she cares about keeping her house clean.

  3. #1 cleaning help is almost a necessity for a mother, Let her spend more time with her children and have someone else help out with the cleaning.

  4. That’s not a question, the real question is why would she leave out thousands of dollars worth of jewelry?????? Does she value her possessions?

  5. A 29 year old can have a bunch of young children in a small or not so small apartment – why always have something negative to say.

  6. The question is not why she needs a cleaning woman, the real question is why would she leave out thousands of dollars worth of jewelry. If you don’t need it then sell it and give the money to tzedaka!

  7. yes- a woman who works from 9-5( and even less)and has a few kids are allowed to have cleaning help– If I may quote that Rebetzin Zahava Braunstein once said that if needed a woman should rather eat bread and butter and have cleaning help for her house. There is absolutely nothing wrong with eat . Yiddishe ladies are NOT made to be shmattas

  8. # 1 Mamashtakah,

    Your post is absurd!!!! Maybe because she has 6 kids under 8 years old in that “apartment”?

    You dont want help, dont get it. Maybe its not a priority for you or you cant afford the help, then I feel bad for you, but dont hate on someone who is lucky to have it.

    I bentch every Yiddishe lady to have cleaning help this year, better yet, I bentch every Yiddishe lady to have a staff of cleaning, cooking, schlepping help!!!

  9. who are you to judge asking why she has a cleaning lady? (I do not live in williamsburg nor am I chasidish) Just from what I know… a 29 year old woman in williamsburg may have 6 or more children and live in a 2 bedroom apt…
    what is wrong with her needing some help?????

  10. Stupid comments on why she has a cleaning lady. If she has that much jewelry, she can afford a cleaning lady. She should have kept it in a safer place, B’H the cleaning lady was caught with the loot and maybe will be more careful next time.

  11. #4
    I am so excited to see that people like you still exist in this world. This is like the first time someone has something nice to say… it’s encouregment.. THANK YOU!!

  12. #11, she’s allowed? You give her permission? She’s allowed to do what she wants with her money no matter how few kids she has and how few hours she works. Scrubbing floors will not make her a better person. So everyone mind your own business. If you’re asking this question, I assume you never paid for anyone to do a service for you that you could’ve done yourself, such as pressing shirts, or buying out food etc.

  13. Every Bas Yisrael should have a cleaning lady and it goes along side tuition and food costs. In pre-war Europe and in the American South, the poorest had help; just keep them away from the food areas (and valuables).

  14. comment # 1 – are you for real? Cleaning help is a necessity. Get a smiling wife and mother. Put your kochos into your Yiddishe home rather than scrubbing your house! That is what really counts!
    We are here in this world for a short time. Spend the time making your home a loving caring place. Especially in today’s world we really need to protect our families.

  15. Nebach – #1 really got butchered by everyone. Not just because it’s Elul, but we should also judge #1 L’kaf Szchus. I don’t agree with #1’s comments at all, but I’ll try extra hard to understand #1’s frame of mind. – for example, maybe #1 is elderly and back when s/he was 29, women handled home, kindelach, and work all on their own. who knows – maybe #1 should explain………………

  16. Be happy for other people!!!! I only read a few comments and didn’t bother reading the rest because the beginning ones were so pathetic

  17. #3 and why not . what has being frum got to do with jewlery? was your matriach rivka etc frum enough . how much jelwery did she have?

  18. Rotten comments.

    Instead of focusing on the story you must find fault.

    Isn’t there a quasi news site which caters to the saef-hating Jews?

    Why aer you even spreading your sour grapes over here?

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