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30 Percent of NYC Drivers Turn Car Around After Hitting Traffic

nyct.jpgInsane traffic congestion has Big Apple drivers often following through on that old parental threat: “I’ll turn this car right around!”

Thirty percent of city motorists have decided to give up on their drive and go back home because of impossible conditions in 2009 — a steep increase from 5 percent in 2008.

The surge in frustration was just one of the findings in a nationwide traffic study done by IBM’s Institute for Electronic Government.

The survey — which polled about 500 city drivers and thousands nationwide — also found that people are going back to their old, environmentally harmful driving habits now that gas prices have leveled out.

Sixteen percent said they carpool less and 20 percent said they shun mass transit because prices at the pump are lower than they were a year ago.

In 2009, city motorists were stuck in traffic for an average of 49 minutes each day.

Thirty-eight percent said all that time led to increased stress, 26 percent said they experienced heightened anger, and 5 percent said jams gave them “respiratory problems.”

(Source: NY Post)

One Response

  1. No wonder why the stats show when there is traffic, drivers coming in the opposite direction experience an increase in their traffic by 30% and turn around, replacing the 30% that turned around in the first place.

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