New Yorkers Encouraged To Prepare For Emergencies

SOL.gifHomeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano joined officials from the Office of Emergency Services Wednesday to kick off National Preparedness Month with the launch of the Ready New York City Campaign.

The campaign urges New Yorkers to come up with a plan and prepare emergency kits in case of a disaster or terrorist attack.

“There are simple items to go inside: a little bit of cash, important papers, medications, an extra pair of eyeglasses, the things that if you run out in your pajamas, you wish you had in those minutes after a disaster,” said Terry Bischoff, chief executive officer of the American Red Cross of Greater New York.

Other emergency kit mainstays can include important papers, a radio and water, as well as an evacuation plan.

The Red Cross says people suffer more during a disaster if they are not prepared.

“It takes them a long time to rebuild their lives and they put themselves at risk as we quickly help them go to get those medications, than they could have had with them if they had just prepared ahead of time,” said Bischoff.

Napolitano said New Yorkers share the responsibility for their own safety, but that they should rest assured the public health system and hospitals are ready to do their job in the event of an emergency.

“I think the people of New York City can be confident that the emergency planning for any type of scenario, but particularly a terrorist scenario, is as robust here as any place I’ve seen in the country,” said Napolitano.

Officials say 40 percent of New Yorkers feel they are not prepared for an emergency and 73 percent do not know what to put in emergency kits.

(Source: NY1)

4 Responses

  1. so they say it’s “National Preparedness Month.” its a nice strategy but what do they know that we don’t? A few months ago, the Israeli Gov’t informed it’s citizens that in Novemeber, 2009 they will be handing out gas masks. I haven’t heard an update whether this is cancelled or not, but could there be a connection with “National Preparedness Month?”

  2. For #2:
    “They” don’t know anything special. September has been National Preparedness Month for the past few years. There is no ulterior motive, secret plot, or conspiracy.

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