Another Outraged Parent Questions Why Brooklyn Yeshivas Have Not Started

ywcr1.jpgYWN has been getting dozens of letters from parents outraged at why Yeshivas have not yet started in Brooklyn.

The following is the latest letter received: (Please see note at bottom)

Someone has to do an explanation as to why the Brooklyn yeshivos, of Tashbar (Tinokos Shel Beis Rabban) have not started Yeshiva yet and wont until after Labor day. They have been off since Mid to late June which would make the time off for both Students and Rabbeim close to three months when next week comes around.

I understand that Rabbeim work very hard all year and don’t get paid enough for the amount of time they put in both during and off hours, but what are the children supposed to do at home, game boys? PSP and even worse? What are the parents supposed to do when Jobs call and the kids are at home? Pay more and more money to baby sitters? Are these sitters and cleaning help the people that our children should be with on a daily basis for 3 weeks from when camp let out till when Yeshivos start?

How then can we pay tuition’s?

What ever happened to Ain Mivatlin Talmud Torah Shel Tinokos Shel Beis Rabban Afilu L’binyan Beis Hamikdosh?

I am thoroughly perplexed as to who made these decisions as to when yeshivos should start and i hope there are good answers to where are all the tefilos, and pure Torah of our most precious resource, our Tashbar.

We need all the zchusim we can get in these days of Yimei rachamim and Ratzon.

A gut gebenched Yahr.

(Name withheld upon request)

EDITORS NOTE: Most people returned from the Catskills on Sunday 8/30/09, and most yeshivas are first starting classes next Tuesday (9/08/09). This leaves children with a full week and a half of nothing to do. Join this discussion at the YWN Coffee Room by clicking HERE, or one of the thousands of other lively discussions by clicking HERE.

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