Out Of The Mailbag – Ignoring The Social Drinking Problem

yw_story_logo1.jpgThis topic has been discussed on YWN many times in the past, but we have once again received a letter regarding the same issue:

Dear YWN,

It has become prevalent today to see young adults becoming drunk on a regular basis at Simchos on Shabbos.

I am writing this letter at the end of the summer but should have been mentioned in the beginning where the problem seems to grow in bungalow colonies and country home developments. How are we expected to explain to our children about the effects and problems of alcohol addiction when they see adults who are respected people in the neighborhood drinking away the whole Shabbos Kodesh.

When I see adults and teenagers discussing and comparing various drinks like Scotch, Whiskey Bourbon etc. it makes me cry.

You may disagree and explain that alcohol was always offered and allowed at Kiddashim. My answer is that it was never with so much focus, abuse and abundance.

The problem is growing as teenagers are taking on this habit which can lead to irreversible consequences.

My Hope is that someone will read this and help make guidelines in their shul or community regarding not allowing any hard alcohol beverages in Shul. Wine or grape juice is sufficient and in fact the preferred method l’halacha for making Kiddush on shabbos morning.

Lets stop this minor problem now before it grows into a bigger one. Our young generation face many problems today let’s not add more.

A Concerned Parent.

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–YWN Admin

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