TONIGHT – Weiner To Hold Town Hall Meeting in Flatbush

weiner.jpgNew York, NY – Congressman Anthony D. Weiner (D – Queens & Brooklyn), a member of the House Judiciary Committee and Energy & Commerce Committee, will hold community forums on the current U.S. policy towards Israel in Brooklyn. 

Congressman Weiner sent YWN the following letter to be posted: 

Dear Friend:

When it comes to Israel, party labels don’t matter. What matters is the steadfast and unwavering support of the United States government for the State of Israel. I have been vocal in my concerns about the direction the Obama administration has been going. I will not hesitate to speak up again.

Now I want to hear what you think.

You’re invited to a special town hall meeting on the state of the U.S.-Israel relationship. We will also be discussing events in the territories, in Lebanon and in Iran.

There will be two town hall meetings:

#1- Monday, August 31 at 8:00PM at the Avenue N Jewish Center located at 321 Avenue N between East 3rd and East 4th Streets.

#2- Thursday, September 3rd at 7:30PM at the Flatbush Park Jewish Center located at 6363 Avenue U, between East 63rd and East 64th Streets (Mill Basin, Brooklyn).

I look forward to seeing you there.



Member of Congress

11 Responses

  1. If I would be able to be there I would but I have a good reason.

    We need to bug him about ObamaCare as well as EVERYTHING Obama. It is up to Congress to keep Obama aka Very Lefty in serious check so we don’t end up as far left as he & his communist cronies want to take the country to.

    He should also be asked how he could think of signing these major spending bills without actually READING them!?

  2. #6 bacci40 you have no idea what your talking about,believing in private health care is no contradiction to believing in medicare. The problem with obama care is that it will try to wipe out all private health care.basicly everyone will have medicare with no private options, results,the government having no way to fund it,social security is bankrupt thanks to the government,doctors wont have competition to become better doctors bec the government will decide how much they can charge Which means the whole health care system down the drain!!so everyone show up weather you have medicade or not and let him know what on your mind!!

  3. Weiner is a leftist neo-Schumer The topic he so smartly chose for his Town Hall meetings, US-Israel relationship, is a neutral red herring. Post meetings, it allows him to misleadingly advertise strong Jewish backing for his congressional record. A real open Town Hall meeting, discussing subjects such as Obama-care, tripling of the national debt,and re-opening of the CIA interogation methods, would clearly demonstrate how far left he is of the Orthodox community.

  4. Who does he think he’s fooling?
    Members of Congress were called on to hold town hall meetings to discuss health care. So what does Weiner do? He showed up, without advance notice to the public, at a few senior centers to hold town hall meetings. And now, he holds a town hall meeting on US-Israel relations? Anyone out there really believe he has any influence on foreign policy? Show of hands now – who voted for him? Who would vote for him next time?

  5. Can someone please report on these meetings? Were Obama’s union thugs there too waiting to cause trouble to anyone that had the audacity to disagree with his holiness?

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