4:30PM EST: Williamsburg Hatzolah is on the scene at 105 Hewes Street (near Bedford Avenue), with a confirmed child down an elevator shaft.
A YWN reporter live on the scene tells us that the child is currently on top of the elevator cab/car – and is alert at this time.
Numerous NYPD ESU Units and FDNY are responding for the rescue job.
Further details will be posted shortly.
UPDATE 4:50PM EST: The 2 1/2 year-old child has been removed, and is being transported to Bellevue Hospital with head trauma. The child is reportedly in Boruch Hashem in stable condition after falling approximately 3 stories down the shaft.
It is just one year (and one week) since 5-year-old Yaakov Neuman Z”L was tragically killed after an elevator malfunctioned at 70 Clymer Street (NYCHA), causing him to plung 120 feet to his tragic death.
(YWN-104 / YWN-105 / YWN-106 / YWN-108)
9 Responses
# 1 Again?!?! When will these people learn?! who do you mean when you make this statement
b”h he is stable, besuros tovos!!
can you please give us the child name so we can say tehillim for the child complete refua shelama
#1, return to your cave.
BH–what a nes! He should have a refuah shelaima b’mheira!
#7: Stop blaming the victim.
I am sure #1.’a comment was referring the the people who are responsible to ensure the safety of the elevator’s in apartment buildings. These old places in Williamsburg are full of kids and must be updated and inspected constantly.
Obviously something is wrong with this elevator and the one that killed the little boy last summer.
#10, Perhaps you ought to be clear in your comments. “When will these people learn?!” (especially considering your previous comment history); who are “these people” other than the victims? Apparently with your most recent comment “these people” are the owners.
#1, return to your cave. …. NO ! we must be caustious not bury our heads in the sand and like you say return to the cave. Perhaps you live in a cocoon. We MUST watch our children. 2 year olds are not mature enough to check the elevator floor. They need constannt supervision!