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Lakewood Homes, Shul Target Of Burglaries

lpd.jpgTwo burglaries, an attempted burglary and an act of vandalism were reported in the Westgate Community between 6:32 and 9:51 a.m. Wednesday, police said.

The first incident reported was at the Bais Medrash located at 47 Kelm Woods Ave, where someone entered through an unlocked rear window, disturbed several sacred items and took loose change, said Lt. William Addison.

The second burglary was reported at 8:27 a.m. at 18 Kingsfield Drive where a person entered the home through a back window and took $42 in cash and coins, police said.

An attempted burglary was discovered at 22 Kingsfield Drive and was reported at 9:26 a.m. A window was partially opened but no one entered the home, Addison said.

A vandalism report was taken at 9:51 a.m. at 20 Kingsfield Drive where a window was broken, Addison said.

All residents are reminded to lock windows and doors of their homes and vehicles, Addison said.

Anyone with information about suspicious activity in the area is asked to call police at 732-363-0200 ext. 5332.

(Source: APP)

2 Responses

  1. Lock up Hmmmm? that was briliant! I thought you can leave everything Hefker and not worry about it being stolen. By the way which Goyim are around that hour of morn. lokking for some spare change. I think it was someone who needed to get something for the Shul. And the guy that climbed in the window probably was a Masmid rushing to learn.

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