Speaking Out; Town Of Bethel Supervisor Writes YWN About New Satmar Shul

lsu.jpgThe following was written by Daniel Sturm, who is the Supervisor of the Town of Bethel, and is in regards to the recent construction of the new Satmar (UTA) Shul in Lapidus Bungalow Colony – which resulted in controversy.

It must be noted, that YWN had previously reported that Sullivan County Court Judge Frank LaBuda Friday had granted temporary permission for the United Talmudic Academy (Satmar / Lapidus Bungalow Colony) to occupy a portion of their new Shul for just six weeks, just for religious purposes.

Town officials opposed the occupancy claiming a special use permit was needed in addition to a building permit.

The judge made his decision after he went to the facility and inspected it himself.

Dear YWN, 

My name is Daniel Sturm, and I am the Supervisor of the Town of Bethel. I would like to offer you the real truth about the recent events concerning the new community building/Shul on Shultz road. There have been many misconceptions and outright lies about what the Towns actions have been, what my involvement has been, and what our motives really are. Some members of the UTA of Lepidus colony, and our building department official, Tim Dexter, are not telling you the whole truth. They got caught trying to circumvent very basic rules of building and construction and have jeopardized the safety of those who are going to use the new building.

First off, I am Jewish, and my Jewish name is Simone Daniel. My parents are Jewish, and my mother stayed at the Lepidus colony as a young child in the 1940s. My grandmother on my mothers side had 11 brothers and sisters, and many died in concentration camps. I have had a good relationship with the Jewish community since I have been on the Town board for the last 6 years. I have many friends in the Hassidic community in Bethel. The town’s new zoning laws took into account many views and concerns expressed to me by members of the Hassidic community.

I was told at the beginning of this year that a building permit had been issued for the new Shul. I was also told, and led to believe by Mr. Dexter, that it was a principal permitted use in that zoning district, which meant that no Planning board or Town engineer review was required or needed. I took him at his word, as he has been the building inspector for over 16 years, and I was comfortable that proper oversight was in his good hands. I believed at the time that the information he was giving me was honest and reliable. My first thought was that we will gladly welcome this new Shul to town, as I have welcomed others. The building went up quite rapidly and I was astonished at the speed of construction, and the sheer size of the structure. I received many words of concern from residents and Town Board members that perhaps proper oversight was lacking for this project. I became especially concerned when I was invited to participate in a conference when the UTA construction planners and the building inspector were discussing obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy when it was pretty obvious that much work needed to be done. This was the first time I was ever asked to attend a conference for a C of O since being on the town board. I felt something was not right, and I simply asked for our attorney and engineer to review the file for this project.

This was on a Friday afternoon, thus I asked that no Certificate of Occupancy be issued until the file was reviewed. I had no idea that Mr. Dexter had promised to deliver the C of O that day. I found out on that Monday that the building had been occupied over the weekend by the Congregation. I was asked by members of the Town Board to issue a stop work order, and a vacate order since no C of O had been issued, which we did. My goal was to have the file reviewed, which happened on that Tuesday.

This was the first time that the file had been reviewed by our attorney and engineer, and after only a few minutes of review, they were shocked by the contents of that file. For example, and as required by law, there are no mechanical, electrical or plumbing plans. There is no energy compliance document, sight plan, landscaping plan, or DEC SWPP plan, as required by state codes. The plans in the file include a stamped set of plans that do not match the structure built. The file is 45% complete at best. A complete engineer’s review of the file is available at the Town Hall, and I would be happy to share the contents to confirm the inadequacy of it.

The legal review is even more woeful. The original building permit issued was for a community building, not a new Shul. A community building in that district required planning board review automatically; Tim Dexter knew it, and tried to get around it. Even if it was a new Shul, it still required planning board review because it is in a Bungalow Colony/ Summer Camp, which would make it a mixed use, again, automatically requiring Planning board review. I am not trying to play with words describing the new building, but you must know that Planning board review was required for that building.

My efforts to date have been to determine the safety of that structure considering the plans are so faulty. Secondly, the impact of such a large structure on a small country road was never considered, as required. Therefore I have made two requests of the UTA planners in an effort to resolve the issues at hand; 1)  I’m asking for a real and accurate set of plans that match the structure to be submitted to our engineer for our review to determine safety. 2) The project should also be reviewed by the Planning Board so traffic and safety impacts to the community at large can be minimized. For example, perhaps the road could be paved and widened, sidewalks installed, or maybe even additional parking behind the building to accommodate the Congregation. This is what Planning Board review is for.

There are still clearly many State regulations and Bethel Town codes that were not complied with. I also demanded a complete audit of building department files over the last couple of years to ascertain compliance of other projects with our Laws. Action will be taken to insure this dangerous situation does not occur again in Bethel. Any anger should be directed at the UTA members involved in the planning of this new Shul, and the building inspector, Tim Dexter, who obviously had no regard for your safety. Those responsible are still trying to continue work, and there have not been any plans submitted to the Town. Your hard earned money contributed to the construction of this building, and you have a right to demand that rules and laws are complied with, and your safety will not be jeopardized.

I have been called anti-semitic, which is hurtful and not true. I will answer any questions, and respond to any concerns that regard this building. The file is available for your review, and I welcome you to view it. It is also your turn to question your UTA members involved in this project. I stand committed to good future relations with the Hassidic community.

19 Responses



  2. My gut instinct is that Mr. Sturm is acting in good conscience and trying to do the best he can. His letter strikes me as being extremely honest and open with the facts. If the building is not as described and plans are missing; if a Review is needed, by all means it’s incumbent on the UTA to get them done as soon as possible. It sounds like mistakes might have been made by himself or others, possibly due to misinformation, but there are rules and laws to uphold – for the safety and well-being of both the occupants of the building and the Bethel community.

  3. #1 & #3 This is not the first time that zoning, permits, certifications for occupancy have been speed through the courts without all rules and regulations up to standards. You know this fact as well as I do.
    What about a statement from a UTJ offical who is responsible for this shul?

    #1 People who are JEWISH do not adore being called anti-semitic, so that is HIS POINT….

  4. For those of you that don’t visit the Catskills in the WINTER you might not realize that we can have as much as 3 feet of snow & ice on the ground if not more at one time. If you saw the building and you live around hear during the winter months you might wonder can that roof handle that much weight? (And if this summer is any indication of what is to come this winter 3 feet is very modest estimate).
    And as for as being called an anti Semite how many of you rip around my truck (tractor trailer) on the windy roads when I am doing 55mph in A-45 on the double yellow line with your hole family in the van and almost hit the car in the opposite lane and attempt to drive me off the road And yes when I blow my air-horn at you and you give the finger and yell at me and more then once you had the chutzpa to call me an anti Semite imagine the chlul hasham you would have create if I was a goy just because I wear hat that is part of my uniform doesn’t make me an anti Semite
    P.S. I don’t take it to hart. And being that it is erv rosh chodesh Elul. I will tell you out right that you are forgiven
    Asher H

  5. this article seems more like a coverup b4 votes, and my prove is, that he didn’t wrote the article when it started the contraversy, when stopped with Rishes the use of the shul, with no good reason, and when the honorable judge of Sullivan (which for sure has no side) came to see the shul, couldn’nt believe that one could say on such a major and architectual wonder that it’s not safe (example it has on both sides by the staircases a 3 story firebox!)

    I see he wrote that they should make a parking lot in back of the shul, on time when everybody who ever visited the shul knows that there is a major huge parking on all 3 sides of it, INCLUDING the back..

    It’s only that he came to know that they made a major voting registration drive….

    It could still be he has right points to, I’m only pointing out hid REAL reason why he wrote the ywn, and everybody could come to the shul to take a look, and than decide….

  6. We in Monsey suffered a lot under our previous Jewish supervisor. Thank G-d for our current supervisor, Christopher St. Lawrence, the best friend a Jewish town can wish for.

  7. Sounds to me as if Mr. Sturm is a decent guy just trying to have the UTA follow the local law and have a safe building. For the UTA to disregard the law is unacceptable. The town of Bethel understands that they are there to stay and just wants the building to be safe…what is wrong with that???

  8. reply to #9, were you really on that roof and placed weights on it….

    It’s a silly hypnosis, bcus everybody here, (INCLUDING ppl who were never up here winter….) know their traditional Bungalow-ceilings, and the interesting part is, that they could hold the 3+ ft snow every year…. Now who should believe you that this major roof can’t…

  9. In reply to #9, were you really on that roof and placed weights up there….

    It’s a silly hypnosis, bcus everybody here, (INCLUDING ppl who were never up here winter….) know their traditional Bungalow-ceilings, and the interesting part is, that they could hold the 3+ ft snow every year…. Now who should believe you that this major roof can’t…

  10. It amazes me how some people feel rules don’t apply to them, and I always wondered why there never seems to lack anti-semitisim in White Lake.

  11. The rules must be applied, ofcourse, you know when? When Sturm and other guyes are incharge and they make the rules. Now they will vote for their own supervizer and change the rules and the rules will be applied according to the new rules.

  12. If the Judge upheld the frum colony’s building plans, why is this supervisor still trying to impede the lawful use and building of this structure? The town building department has approved its safe usage.

  13. And the supervisor was not a mentch by trying to stop Satmar from what the court allowed. Judge LaBuda allowed them to use it. Then the town tried to stop UTA again, and Judge LaBuda had to intervene again to prevent the town from interfering with UTA’s legal rights to use the building. Do not forget the town itself approved UTA to both build and use the structure immediately. (The supervisor then tried to stop it after the building department already provided final approval to Satmar.)

  14. good news for truck driver, comment #9, today there was terrible rains winds nearly a tornado, and…. Guess what I was there davining, we didn’t hear the massive noice inside, looks like the roof is not made of cardboard as you tried to claim……….
    Chazak Ibaruch!

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