NYC Council Discusses Fire Safety Bills

fdny.jpgTwo years after the Deutsche Bank building fire killed two firefighters, the City Council is holding a hearing to discuss several safety bills in an effort to prevent a similar tragedy.

One measure will require documents on demolition plans and safeguards to be submitted before any demolition permits are issued.

Another requires standpipes and sprinklers to be painted to make them easier to identify and inspect.

Safety coordinators must visually inspect standpipe systems each week.

Standpipes will only be considered ready to use if they are painted red when construction work reaches a height of more than 75 feet.

Firefighters Robert Beddia and Joseph Graffagnino were killed when they couldn’t get water out of a broken standpipe.

Three construction supervisors and a subcontractor were charged with manslaughter.

Seven Fire Department officials and two supervisors from the city’s Buildings Department were also disciplined.

(Source: NY1)

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