HYPOCRITES: Media Ignored Calling Bush ‘Nazi’, But Headlines Obama-Bashing

bna.jpgThe following article is from Fox News

News outlets that are focusing on the incendiary rhetoric of conservatives outside President Obama’s town hall meeting Tuesday ignored the incendiary rhetoric — and even violence — of liberals outside an appearance by former President George W. Bush in 2002.

When Bush visited Portland, Ore., for a fundraiser, protesters stalked his motorcade, assailed his limousine and stoned a car containing his advisers. Chanting “Bush is a terrorist!”, the demonstrators bullied passers-by.

One protester even brandished a sign that seemed to advocate Bush’s assassination. The man held a large photo of Bush that had been doctored to show a gun barrel pressed against his temple.

“BUSH: WANTED, DEAD OR ALIVE,” read the placard, which had an X over the word “ALIVE.”

Another poster showed Bush’s face with words which can’t be posted on YWN.

A third sign urged motorists to “HONK IF YOU HATE BUSH.” A fourth declared: “CHRISTIAN FASCISM,” with a swastika in place of the letter S in each word.

Although reporters from numerous national news organizations were traveling with Bush and witnessed the protest, none reported that protesters were shrieking at Republican donors epithets like “Fascists!”, and other words which can’t be posted here.

Frank Dulcich, president and CEO of Pacific Seafood Group, had a cup of liquid thrown into his face, and then was surrounded by a group of menacing protesters, including several who wore masks. Donald Tykeson, 75, who had multiple sclerosis and was confined to a wheelchair, was blocked by a thug who threatened him.

Protesters slashed the tires of several state patrol cruisers and leapt onto an occupied police car, slamming the hood and blocking the windshield with placards. A female police officer was knocked to the street by advancing protesters, badly injuring her wrist.

The angry protest grew so violent that the Secret Service was forced to take the highly unusual step of using a backup route for Bush’s motorcade because the primary route had been compromised by protesters, one of whom pounded his fist on the president’s moving limousine.

All the while, angry demonstrators brandished signs with incendiary rhetoric, such as “9/11 – YOU LET IT HAPPEN, SHRUB,” and “BUSH: BASTARD CHILD OF THE SUPREME COURT.” One sign read: “IMPEACH THE COURT-APPOINTED JUNTA AND THE FASCIST, EGOMANIACAL, BLOOD-SWILLING BEAST!”

Yet none of these signs were cited in the national media’s coverage of the event. By contrast, the press focused extensively on over-the-top signs held by Obama critics at the president’s town hall event held Tuesday in New Hampshire.

The lead story in Wednesday’s Washington Post, for example, is headlined: “Obama Faces ‘Scare Tactics’ Head-On.”

“As the president spoke, demonstrators outside held posters declaring him a socialist and dubbing him ‘Obamahdinejad,’ in reference to Iran’s president,” the Post reported. “People screamed into bullhorns to protest a bigger government role in health care. ‘Nobama Deathcare!’ one sign read. A young girl held up a sign that said: ‘Obama Lies, Grandma Dies.’ Images of a protester wearing what appeared to be a gun were shown on television.”

On Sunday, The New York Times reported that a Democratic congressman discovered that “an opponent of health care reform hanged him in effigy” and was confronted by “200 angry conservatives.” The article lamented “increasingly ugly scenes of partisan screaming matches, scuffles, threats and even arrests.”

No such coverage was given to the Portland protest of Bush by The New York Times or the Washington Post, which witnessed the protest.

(Source: Fox News)

10 Responses

  1. Maybe because the people in Portland were seen as being total fools not worthy of coverage. What a shoteh says isn’t newsworthy.

    The anti-Obama critics should be happy that they are taken seriously (though they are getting a bit rude and losing their focus – particularly in arguing for a new entitlement which is something conservatives usually oppose).

  2. I dont understand what the question here is. It is simple. When a democrat is found to be wrong/guilty/corrupt, it is not publicized. When a republican is- MAJOR news story. When a republican is called names, not “scare tactics”. When it is a democrat “its un-American”.
    It all depends on who is controlling the news sources- the la liberal times, the new york (democrat) times, CNN ect.

  3. akuperma, FDR and Breckinridge Long, the Assistant to the Secretary of State during WWII, barred my grandparents and father from entering the U.S. to escape the Nazis, YM”SH. They were both Democrats. It is carefully documented in Yad Vashem. I have the paperwork backed up on my e-mail.

    Obama and Pelosi are Democrats too. Am I being rude and losing my focus when I link Obama and Pelosi with FDR and Breckinridge Long?

  4. #2, are you kidding?

    The right wing is the one that throws around terms like “un-American” at anyone who dares disagree with them.

    Furthermore, the media reports just as much on Democratic corruption…all the news talked about for days was the Illinois governor scandal. And, pardon me if I’m wrong, I believe he is a Democrat. Finally, perhaps the right’s wrongdoings are more scandalous because they are the ones who usually claim the moral and religious high ground, and their scandals more often involve a severe case of hypocrisy and irony. You reap what you sow, eh?

    The whole “liberal media is out to get us” cop-out/crutch is really getting old.

  5. YWN – please take down that despicable picture. president Bush was a real friend to the Yidden and does not deserve to have a picture like that displayed of him even to illustrate the story.

  6. There is no doubt FoxNews is correct. The media has fallen all over BHO which is why, with the exclusion of FoxNews they refused to vet him when he was running. If any Republican had the same baggage as Hussein, you could bet your last penny (which is closer now that BHO is getting his way!) the media would have done its job. Perhaps MSNObama would have had to work for a living without getting those tingly feelings etc.

  7. #3- what does that have to do with the fact that those who called President Bush a “nazi” were in fact a bunch of fools unworthy of media attention, whereas those being critical of President Obama are serious persons whose views are being taken seriously.

    As for Long, his role is hardly a “secret”. Anything in Wikipedia is hardly a “secret”. If you are trying to blame Nancy Pelosi (whose father was well regarded by the Baltimore Jewish community, and who was involved with the Bergson Group, and support of Israel in the 1940s) or Barack Obama (whose worst offense in such matters was not knowing where his uncle fought in WWII) for the Holocaust, you are at the least misguided, or are attributing powers to them that even their silliest supporters would find amazing (his supports think he can walk on water, but time travel?).

  8. akuperma, Obama compared the suffering of the Holocaust to the suffering the Palestinians go through in their refugee camps at the hands of their Arab brethren. Just check it out on YouTube.

    Oh, by the way, I don’t think you realize it but you are contradicting yourself concerning Obama. Oh, well……

  9. it is shamefull for the yeshiva world to put up a photo of president bush with a nazi flag he was a real good for the jews and us israelis my be yeshiva world likes the obama better becouse he nates israel nad the jews

  10. #8 – 1) I have consistently said that Mr. Obama is a nice guy, the lawful and democraticly elected president of our republic (neither the “D” nor “R” being capitalized), and very misguided in most of his policies. You seem to insist he’s the satan.

    2) I fail to see how Pelosi and Obama caused the holocaust. They weren’t born and their families were on our side, and in the case of Pelosi, her father was distinguished by his support for Jewish causes. All of Obama’s relatives fought for the allies.

    3) In objecting to spending caps on government programs for medical care which is unlikely to help anyways, you turn yourself into a pro-entitlement liberal wanting to create a “right to health care” with no restrictions based on cost or the liklihood that it will work (I don’t mind grasping at straws, but only with your own money, not the public’s).

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